
Sunday, May 15, 2011



Well, this trip has been a great discerning tool re: the balance of my energy and the rest of the planet. It is becoming clearer by the minute.

Being the “people-pleaser, good-doer, save the world kind of girl”, that I was raised to be, I've given myself up most of my life to take care of people and situations. Please refer to the earlier blog re: saving and being saved. I have been growing up a lot through this entire spiritual journey, and finding out that LOVING ME FIRST was the most important fact in creation remains to still be the vaguest clarity. But I'm getting there.

I know I have to start with that intention: I'm going to love me in the highest way----1.).I will stop to ask, am I resentful doing this? 2.) Does this give me joy? 3.) Do I have the energy and 4.) Is my energy in alignment with this, 5.) Is it for my highest good to change my perception about this and CREATE my energy being in alignment? And 6.) Does this give me joy? It's important to stay in joy. You have to create more....joyful things.

So now, those guidelines help me come forward and ask for what I need, be clear about what I want, have a better definition of what I am willing to give.
In the past month that has meant:

1.) Not wearing a costume that wasn't right because everyone was in a hurry.  Before, I would have resented doing it AND done it anyway because I wanted to be the good girl.  Or I would have thought I needed to be a hard ass and demand my rights. This time I was strong, but decided, in what I needed.  They appreciated it after the moment.

2.) Taking time away from signing autographs to go eat a healthy lunch and have an hour of quiet for myself.  Before, I would gobble something at the table because, God forbid, I missed someone. Now I hold the intention that if they want me, they'll find me. I am worth it. That little break added a whole new freshness for all of us.

3.) I choose to open up dialogue with someone again that could have easily gone unsaid and been the end of a relationship.  But The Voice kept whispering, " This is your stuff too, Dee.  Look for the Pony."  So I did. It feels good to be in communication with them again. And with myself.

4.) Lastly, but certainly not least, whenever I have AUTOMATICALLY gone back into “I can't believe how much I am doing and I should be tired and overwhelmed", I choose the higher love of, “This is the only moment. Be here now (as EST would say). Direct your moments now. You ARE energy, Dee. Stay balanced in it.” 

Do you know I haven't had a late plane, missed luggage, an unhappy moment, and I have met the most incredible people and shared great love with many. It's been a good exercise in living everything I teach.  And I know it’s right. I know it works. Because I am living the change I wanted in the world. I--and my world--are beautiful.  Blessings, Dee

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