
Monday, May 23, 2011


I can't believe there are people that are disappointed that IT didn't happen. This is the joyful noise we are singing to? ( See, I do have religious training.) Cause I am thinking that the very reason to be joyful is that we can still choose to be. Now. While we are in the moment of being tested, the moment of fear, the time of uncertainty. It is our God-given right to choose to be happy. Period.
 Of course, I am sitting in a hotel room in New York City after taping Good Morning America to promote Bright Light that is affecting lots of lives.  I am not in Joplin, Missouri. It's easier for me to choose joy.  And I want to look at what the channel has to say about that. So I am asking. " How do we choose joy in the midst of devastation?" I am open to all new thoughts regarding this, because we all really want to know.  So here goes.
 1) Claim that I Am the Highest Answer. I Am Healed. I Am.
2) Invoke the rays,flames, and lights and........beams. That's a new one. They are showing me rays like sunlight coming in, and it is referring to the incoming light energy that is here.

Let's break this down and get REALLY clear about what that means.
We have to BE the Highest Answer.How we choose to react to anything and everything defines the creation of the next moments ( and future). We are the highest answers to the creation FROM that reaction. Again, as hard as it might be,  the creation of Us and our world depends on the Choice and Focus of Acceptance which ultimately creates peace, necessary to move into happiness.

I Am Healed: Just because devastation in some manner has befallen me, it DOES NOT DEFINE ME.  I am already " there." What has happened to me has happened so that I may use it to define who I Am.  Can I keep my heart open and my light bright so that I may create again? And keep creating?  
I Am.   What?  I Am giving up? I Am afraid?  I Am nothing because I have nothing?  OR
 I feel all those real emotions of being human and I Am Choice and I Am balanced, and I Am a person that perserveres and creates again.

 I have to say that even writing this I am pulled to WANTING to feel afraid that this will offend people because I seem not very empathetic here.  I do feel that. For all those who have lost and are challenged in this moment. And yet the message is clear: We must choose Love.  Not fear. Love. What would love choose now?
 I Am loving all those challenged physically and emotionally to choose to love themselves enough to know they can do it. Whatever It is. You are enough. You deserve it. You are energetic creation itself.  Create well.

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