
Monday, May 23, 2011

Conscious Creation ~ Part 41 Show Recap ~ Jared sits in! SUPPORT!

May 12, 2011

Hello all you amazing, fabulous, incredible, magnificent, very sexy people! I am off starring in a fabulous film with Doris Roberts, so today I have a wonderful surprise for you! My friend, my mentor, my healing partner, my co-creator in much of the work I bring to you, Jarrad Hewett is going to be with you today! I often reference Jarrad on the show when I talk about calling him to figure things out. So, I would love to introduce you to, Jarrad Hewett!

Hello ladies and gentlemen! I am feeling fabulous and sexy as always and hope you all are as well! The topic of the show today is Support and what I initially thought was going to happen, is not happening, so we will go on the fly as always! I got here nice and early, and Michael was running late so I got to break into the house Ferris Bueller style! I set up the computer and started going over somethings about support. Dee and I have been talking about what is up with the collective and what exactly we can do to get to the point where we KNOW we are creation. Oftentimes we get it and we direct it in the universe, but then energetically dropping out on the “whole is the creation of who I am”. We were looking in the mirror and saying show me my beautiful six pack abs and my sexy ass, and then seeing our spare tire and some donut holes. What we needed to do was to direct the universe or the mirror to direct us to be what we wanted. We’ve only been doing half of that.

The DNA of light energy is some really huge information coming in lately!
The light of me directs the light of the one to manifest __________ as the light of the one. This is the statement of new strands of DNA as manifestation. I am the creation of the creation.

We understand that we’re inviting in energy and certain energy would come in to support us and then we would go, ewww, we don’t want that. For example, in a private I had this week, my client had set very specific criteria of what she wanted in a man. She had managed to manifest at least 80% of those things in her new partner. All she could focus on was the 80% and the fact that that wasn’t enough.  Together we discovered that she was the remaining 20%, she already had those qualities that she thought were missing from this man. He didn’t have them because she already possessed them, so the universe was providing her with his 80% to support her 20%, making them a complete 100%. Instead of saying thank you and taking that 80%, she was saying, screw you, I want him to do all 100% of it. So today I want to talk about how we can collectively bring all of our experiences and people in our worlds together and allow ourselves to be fully supported. We don’t need to feel bad if we ask for help. Ultimately we are asking for help from the universe and if we are unable to accept help from other people, we will not be able to accept the help from the universe.

I would love for you all to use the statement, “The light of me directs the light of the one to manifest love and support as the light of the one.”

·      In order to be the power that you are and be open to it – Claim all your energy systems in the body and above, front and back are balanced, repaired and spinning correctly. I am the highest answer, I am healed, I want everything to be balanced, I am.
·      "It is a joy that I can scarcely put into the words to know that somewhere on this plant earth are those who wish to see made manifest the immaculate concept for themselves, their fellow man and the planet as well as those who wish to rejoice with the God of all creation and the perfection of that divine design made manifest again.” Page 137 The Seven Mighty Elohim Speak on the Seven Steps to Precipitation
·      The light of me directs the light of the one to manifest everything in the above statement, plus joyous income and the ability to be my own boss and set my own schedule, complete sovereignty over the being that I am as the light of the one.
·      The light of me directs the light of the one to manifest trust in the one and in self as the light of the one and as the self.
·      When you find yourself stuck and need a moment of play, try the Peanut Butter/ Jelly Song! “It’s Peanut Butter Jelly time, Peanut Butter Jelly Time, In My Mouth!”
·      In relationships, our energy comes forward to play or dance together with the other person’s energy, interacting as their own field. The energy field that is created with both of your energies can hold their own beliefs separate from our own individual energy.
·      The light of me directs the light of the one to manifest complete, loving communication between myself, within myself and within everyone as the light of the one.
·      Be conscious everyday to be one with the balanced frequency of the I Am.
·      If you don’t allow all that you are to come in and support you, you will be stuck. It’s like trying to get over a big rock wall, but you didn’t bring any of your climbing equipment, so allow the I Am, the universe to bring in the equipment.  I create my light now as the direction of my light, I am divine love, I acknowledge this and so it is.
·      Balance the fear of creation using; the light of me directs the light of the one to manifest knowing and joyful creation as the light of the one that I am. Now I am the creation of the creation, I am the energy of the whole and the whole is the divine love.
·      The Facts of Life song goes, “You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have the facts of life.” We want to move into “You take the good, you take the more good, we keep taking good and that’s our life!” 
·      The light of me directs the light of the one to manifest brilliant joy, happiness and ever expanding joy as the light of the one.
·      If you can constantly be your knowing, you will no longer need to be reminded of anything, joy, freedom, bliss, any of it.
·      Core Belief - I have to leave to be safe before they leave me. Balance with The light of me directs the light of the one to manifest perfect relationships in every moment of now, as the light of the one. I am the creation of the creation, I am the energy of the whole and the whole is the divine love, I am self -love.
·      What you resist persists. The issue with trying to fix a problem means that you’re holding on to that problem to fix it. Instead of holding onto it and fixing it, can you just love and accept it? I’m not fighting it, I’m accepting it.  Which in essence means you’re still fighting the fact that you created this, therefore fighting your creation.
·      I create my life now as the direction of my light, I am divine love, I acknowledge this and so it is!

Thank you so much everyone! I loved this show! If you want to know more about me, Jarrad Hewett, go to, or check out The Big E that I co-wrote with Dee Wallace! It’s absolutely hilarious! I have a new book called, “Love, Life, God, the Journey of Creation” that comes out in a month. Go Pre-order it right now! It tells you exactly what creation is, how it works and how to get the most of life out of what you want! Love you! Goodbye!

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