
Thursday, September 29, 2011

~ Bright Light with Dee Wallace Show Recap ~ September 26, 2011 ~

 Hello all you amazing, fabulous, incredible, magnificent and very, very, very sexy people! Here we are again at my favorite time of being with you! Tonight is all about resistance, so I’m going to dive in. We go through periods where we break open some energy and move some stuff, but now we are in quantum leap! Holy Hello, hold on to your hats, speed ahead. If you’re in resistance to anything you’re not in acceptance of it and you’re fighting the very energy that you want to be using. When you accept everything you say, come on in, we’re all energy, lets look at this, I am the source of all energy, including whatever we are in resistance to.
            The biggest resistance we have right now is knowing we are it, knowing we are God, knowing we are the creative force, knowing we had the power all along Dorothy, knowing we are the perception that creates us and the life that we live. Around knowing we are it, I am asking everyone to come forward and claim, I am Divine Love, I know I’m it, I experience that I’m it, I take responsibility for being it, I am the joy of being it and so it is. That my lovely people, is what they call freedom! They are already getting us ready for the I Am Freedom Webinar.
            Why would we not want to embrace and know that we are it and be the freedom that we are meant to be? As we have discussed, the biggest reason is OMG, will I do it wrong again and screw it up? All the way back to Atlantis, or another lifetime where we stepped into our power and thought and I screwed it up. I’m telling you guys, you won’t get it wrong this time. Let’s I am divine love that, all around that little puppy. We know that our intention is to do everything and be everything through divine love and with divine love. You cannot misuse your power when it’s directed through divine love.  If you’re not in freedom, you’re kind of in hell and you can’t get out of hell if you believe that it’s not your power that gets you out. We will stay in that purgatory in some areas of our lives until we unconditionally say, I know and accept that I am the highest answer, I’ve got to walk the talk and clean up me.
            We are in “High Noon” with creation as long as we’re in resistance to anything. If you’re in resistance with money, relationships, success, or health and wellness, you will remain at a stand off and in limitation of your power. If we go into judgment we create a stand off which creates doubt, doubt equals not being able to live in the naiveté, which sabotages the creation of who we are. Any kind of imbalance of the masculine, feminine and child is equated to a stand off and it separates the energy. Any separation of energy creates the imbalance of those three, which creates a stand off. We all want to come forward right now and balance, I accept the energy of creation that I am. So it is.
            The last thing I am supposed to do around resistance is to read from Ramtha. This is on page 127, where she is talking about her theory of creation, “Indeed. And it would also mean that everything your religions have taught could be wrong. Do you know what is wonderful about that? It means that perhaps there really is no such thing as a devil, or hell, or sin, or damnation, or a fearsome God; that they could be wrong. And they are.” I have to tell you, because of something that is going on in my life and because of a caller from Thursdays show, I asked, “What is it that I have to remember about Satan?” The message I received was, “It’s just another monster, Dee. It’s just another monster movie.” I submit that to you to get a little perspective on the dark side and all of that fear that we are afraid of moving back into.

·      There is no answer. What is right for us, is right for us, but may not work for the next person. My business manager doesn’t think it’s right for me to pay off my house, but energetically, it works for me.
·      Always drop into your heart center and make the decision from there. Feel what’s right, don’t try and use your head, it’s deceptive and misleading.
·      I am divine love, knowing that we choose to accept the magnificence of who we are, right now, the way we are, knowing that we are whole, complete and perfect in our imperfectness.
·      Do everything for yourself! Do it for the love of yourself, the joy of yourself and by being that authentic self you will free other people to be authentic.
·      Accept the beauty of you. Your power will come from that.  There’s not one thing about me that I am in resistance to.
·      If you run into a block or a wall this is what you say, “My I am presence is the most powerful force on earth, period. I am in charge and I will do this, be this, create this, take action on this, and think this.
·      Nothing is stronger than your I Am Presence, if we consistently invoke the I am presence with power, the I am Presence will win.
·      I am safe and secure to be the powerful creation of the me that I am.
·      It is my clear direction of my I Am Presence that when I am free I am totally free and so is everyone else to create the energy that we are.
·      Can I allow myself to be the free energy that creates everything? Yes. For us to experience a new experience and to put a new belief in place we have to choose to believe it so we can experience it. That’s what they mean when they say leap and the net appears.
·      Accept all of the energy that is going on. Accept it all and tell it how you want it to work out.
·      I create me by loving me, honoring me, cherishing me and coming forward for me in everyway and so it is.
·      If you are not consciously shifting your own energy you can talk to 15 healers in a week and you will not shift. You must take responsibility for your own I Am Presence.
·      The fear of being so high, so free and so happy is keeping us from saying we are God. Which goes back to resistance. The biggest fear of all is knowing we are it. When we do know we are it, we are bathed in sunshine.
·      Will you claim the power of the God that you are and consciously move forward to create yourself?

Let’s take some time to hold the very sacred space of our love for each other and ourselves and to know that we are the amazing, magnificent creators of our self. I love you.

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