
Thursday, August 18, 2011


IT'S GETTING TO BE MORE OF A CHALLENGE, this choice thing.  We are just not used to staying conscious enough to do it. And we don't get the magnitude of how it can change our lives almost instantly.
 Bummed out? Choose again. Depressed? Choose again. Despondent? Choose again.
 I mean it. If we can be that objective about ourselves and the moments we are creating we can stay in choice. But what we are doing now is choice/victim/choice/victim over and over and over.
 There is no time you get to drop out of this choice thing and still create the You that creates what the You of You wants. Because it's all about you.
 Waiting on the money to feel secure?  It won't come then. Waiting for the sickness to go away? The health won't show up. Waiting for the career to take off? It won't.
 BUT, stay in creating every moment by the choices and focus you hold---well, that can be miraculous. And you do it whether you want to or not.
 Because you know it works.

Oh-you don't know it works? Well you sure as hell know what you are doing NOW doesn't work, and you're never going to get that this choice and focus thing works if you don't blindly trust in faith and give it a shot. It works. Trust me.

If you are hearing yourself say " I am in the same place I was last year," or " I'll never get anywhere," or "I'll never get ahead" , you KNOW you are undermining yourself with those directions and the Universe is saying YES to you.

Create the consciousness of you as the consciousness that supports itself as a whole. BE HAPPY. Your cells respond. Your money responds. The Universe responds.

After the death of my dear friend a week ago, I found myself in a funk. When I did the work, it was because somehow her death had taken my joy and naivete, and the world looked dark and without answers. It was hell to feel that way. And I know that is counter-creation. So I chose to honor my friend by being my light, being my joy, being my naive little girl that insisted the world was a beautiful place.  And I could hear her laugh. That wonderful laugh of freedom. And I was back again.

 It was a choice. A difficult easy one. Depending on my perspective.  That's all it is guys: a perspective. Choose the joyous one that creates you as joy. And the Universe will say......YES.  Blessings, Dee

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!! You are so wonderful Dee!!! This is SO RIGHT ON!!!

    and you posted this at 444 - Angel Numbers 101 by Doreen Virtue, "There are angels - they're everywhere around you! You are completely loved, supported and guided by many Heavenly beings, and you have nothing to fear."

    My never ending appreciation for BEing magnificent YOU!!!
    Much love!
    Karen xo
