Hello all you amazing, fabulous, brilliant, magnificent, incredible, BIG, HUGE, FLIPPING BRIGHT LIGHTS and very sexy people that you are! Let me start by saying what an absolutely amazing, empowering, incredible and love filled weekend that Creation Station was. I am in deep love and gratitude for everyone who participated, brought in an amazing amount of material, learned an amazing amount of material and shifted the 100th monkey on several points. This should be quite and expansive little time for you.
The show today is about sacrifice. There are all different types of sacrifice and of course the channel never brings forward exactly what we think the word sacrifice means. The first thing I am asking everyone to come forward and claim with me is “I am the enlightened energy that creates myself”. How awesome is that?
Those of you who have the sheets and have done the balance podcast I want you to add Genetic Guilt to the Genetic list.
Okay, sacrifice. Sacrifice has been collapsed with the word freedom. Holy hell and OMG, right?! When that came in I was astounded. If we keep claiming freedom, directing freedom and sacrifice is included in our definition of freedom, you can see the conundrum right? Our honor in sacrificing our love is done. The most important thing that came out of this entire weekend is the message that you can put down your sword, put down your struggle, your love is your power. Those of us who have always known the truth about divine love have been in fear that we would have to sacrifice it whenever we moved into a powerful place. We want to know absolutely that powerful love is our creation. We are directing the balance of masculine, feminine and child within divine love and the creation of ourselves as powerful, divine love. Everyone will tell you that to sacrifice your knowing that love and power are not one energy. They are wrong. Love is who you are and love is the creative force of power and the powerful creative force. We are claiming that, I am the powerful divine love of the I that I am. Claiming the balance of masculine, feminine and child around this and claiming the masculine, feminine and child.
Listen up, to truly receive; you cannot be sacrificial of yourself or your knowing. Which means sacrificing love, for power and sacrificing the knowing that they are not one powerful energy. The most important thing we have to remember is that there is only LOVE. This is the New Earth. This is the creation of the New earth. Be love and trust that the love that you are is the power that you create yourself and therefore, your world, with and from.
Your I am presence is every ascended master, every guide, every angel, anything and everything of the I that is greater than any of those things extending into the everything that we do not have a word for and comprehend, but we are using the term I. When you claim your I Am presence, that I, has power over everything through your direction.
· Whatever we focus on and are in fear of, we create more of.
· The money comes from your creation, not from you.
· I create more than enough money to take great care of my family now, from anywhere that that it wants to come from.
· Healing is fun! Healing is creating! Healing is play! I am the fun of creation!
· I am creation. I am the energy that calls in the energy, directs the energy, and is the energy that heals my body.
· Your physical body is always healed with divine light.
· Spend some time feeling what divine love and divine light feels like in your body. Allow it just to take your body over.
· When you go to sleep at night direct the I in reverence, blessing and respect to come in and fill your body with light, to heal you, knowing you are already healed the moment the direction is given.
· Be the love you are. That is your power.
· When I honor, cherish and come forward for myself first in any way, I AM Love.
· I know I’m love when I love myself. It is my clear direction and knowing that the more I love myself, the more I am love.
· We’re absolutely claiming that we choose, direct and are the trust of ourselves to follow the divine guidance that we are and that we hear. Your voice is the voice.
· I know that my voice is the voice. I am directing me through the I, as the I, with divine love. I choose to always hear the highest guidance and to follow it. I trust that I am the I that I am.
· Stop worrying about how much sleep you are getting. We are sleeping less and less. Instead of worrying about how many hours of sleep you got, focus on how you feel.
· The less stress you have and the less crap you have to worry about, the fewer hours of sleep you will need.
· I am the creation of ease. Creation is ease itself. I am the creation of the I of ease.
· This week consciously move into the amazing feeling of freedom, joy, bliss and love. Create yourself as those things and the universe must bring you those things.
· I accept myself, I love myself, I rock that I have the guts to look at the truthfulness of me. I rock. I am awesome.
I love you all. We are going to depart now in love, joy, and magnificence, and the experience of all that. We are magnificent beings of light energy. I am the light energy of the one, the love that holds me in awe of the creation that I am. So it is. I love you. I can feel you in my heart. I can feel the connection of the oneness that we are. I send out strength, knowing, trust, clarity and the being-ness of the I. Remember, that love is your power. Take the power of you out into the world. I love you.
To hear the entire show click here: http://www.awakeningzone.com/Episode.aspx?EpisodeID=394
Join us for the next live show every Monday evening at 5:00 PM Pacific Time.
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