Getting Back Your Power
Well, hello all you amazing, fabulous, incredible, magnificent and very, very sexy people! Oh my gosh! You should be in my body right now! I am literally at the Disney Ranch in Simi Valley shooting an episode for The Office that I got an offer on as I was landing from Antigua. They allowed me to leave the set so I could come and do the show with you! How lucky am I? What a great creator I am! We have some really important things to go over today! The theme of the show today is Getting Back Your Power.
I want to hop right in. First of all, we are in fear of not joining or fear of joining our power with other powers; which keeps us from being the power that we are. We’re coming together with the I AM presence and the consciousness that we are to claim, I Am in acceptance and celebration of my power joining with all other powers to be the miracle of power. I am the consciousness that creates the power that I am. I asked this morning, “What are the things we need to remember about reclaiming our power?”
1. Giving up having to play by the rules, especially Mom’s.
a. We cannot move into our true power if we are locked into our beliefs and our commitments to play by the rules, which were taught to us by people who loved us, but just didn’t know.
b. I AM choosing to play within the realm of freedom of all possibilities and highest truth.
2. We must return to the naiveté of the child, which is blind faith, trust, knowing and joy.
a. When we are in blind faith, trusting ourselves, our thoughts, our channels and the energy that we are connected to, we are absolutely in our power and able to reclaim it.
3. We must direct the balance of masculine, feminine and child in knowing that they support the consciousness of each other and the whole. In other words, if the feminine is out of trust of the masculine, it’s out of trust of your knowing, etc.
a. We’re balancing the masculine, feminine and child in knowing that they support the consciousness of each other and the whole.
4. Power. I am power. We must come forward to claim that. I am the consciousness of power itself.
5. I claim that the work is complete. I am complete. My power is complete. My consciousness as power is complete and so it is.
I am the light energy of balance, clarity and clearing around all of that. So it is.
This came in late last night around midnight. Pay attention, because this is where almost everyone who is on the road to creating this New Earth, New Life, New You, New Consciousness, and Awareness, this is where most of us are. Releasing the game has become part of the game. In other words, releasing anger, inhibitions, blocks, etc., has all become a part of the game that will not put you in your power. When stuff comes up you have to sit there and go, I am the consciousness that’s creating this. Whatever the illusion of this is. You must stay in your power in order to create yourself as the miracle that creates miraculous things. If you keep playing the game with yourself and going back and forth and in and out, that’s simply another part of your game. You are in control. You must stop, become the observer of yourself and bring yourself back.
I would love everyone to email me at one sentence about any kind of miracle that you have created with this work. One line. I would love to compile them for the webinar, I Am Miracles.
I am the creation of my consciousness.
~~ Nuggets of LIGHT from the Show! ~~
· You have to choose that you know and that you are doing it. Claim that you know and that you are.
· You can create your consciousness with clear direction in the snap of a finger and change the illusion of your life.
· When you know that you’re fabulous and magnificent there is nothing anyone can do but accept it.
· Nobody is stuck anywhere. There is only one energy, its all good, everything is good and no one gets stuck or punished anywhere, its simply ongoing creation.
· Focus on you and the consciousness of your creation.
· A lot of people are leaving this plane right now, according to Dolores Cannon, because they feel they can serve better from the other side.
· Stop whatever you are using, RIGHT NOW, to keep you out of your power. It’s time to give it up. Nothing and nobody can create your power or take your power away from you unless you choose to define your consciousness that way.
· Be brave. Love yourself and go CREATE!
· Be the consciousness that knows its all great, its all an illusion and that you are creating the consciousness of the illusion that you want. If you want a peaceful, happy world where everyone has enough to eat, start being the consciousness to create that and the world will literally start to respond to that.
· Once you get really close to creating something, you cannot stop believing or being in joy about your creation.
· I am in harmony with my own consciousness.
· I am safe and secure in this world and powerful when I am independent of others and others are independent of me.
I am so grateful to THE OFFICE that they allowed me to leave the set for an hour to come do this show with you all. Am I a great creator or what? You know what? So are you. Let go of whomever or whatever you are still using to hold you back from moving into your power. Go create your consciousness of you. I love you. See you next week.
To listen to the show in its entirety please go to
Tune in every Monday at 5:00 Pacific Time for the Live Show!
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