Hello all you amazing, wonderful, fabulous, incredible, magnificent and very, very, sexy people! What a week it has been! Thank you for all of your emails about the Office! I am holding the vision for a wonderful recurring role to come out of this, so I appreciate you all holding that as well!
I want to talk about adaptation. This came in during one of the most amazing private sessions that I’ve had lately. Jennifer is a scientist and the highest word that kept coming in was adaptation. She sent me an email that said, “All adaptations are mutations of the norm. But most mutations are not sustainable. Adaptations that are sustainable and beneficial become a part of evolution.” That is what we are all about. We are claiming I am the light energy of balance, clarity and clearing around all of this, I am the adaptation that is sustainable and beneficial and part of evolution.
I want to share the rest of what she shared with me. “If we mutate, choose, something inappropriate, then it will die off quickly and we can adapt more intelligently next time.” Well, our next “time” my friends, is right now. This is the process of innovation, applied to life, rather than technology. Your consciousness is your intelligence right now.
I want you to take your power back. All of the thoughts, limiting thoughts, fears, etc., Whatever is going on, I’m taking my power back and I’m letting go of this limitation that my consciousness created and I am accepting ALL unlimited possibilities. There will be a lot more about this on “I Am Miracle”, what the true definition of our soul is and how all of this works into it. I am choosing to create another illusion. It’s not a science fiction movie anymore. Literally, the perspective that you choose creates the life you live. Thinking of having a cosmic ATM machine and whatever you put into it, you can take out of it.
Our biggest fear is that our consciousness will turn on itself and not create itself. You’ve had this experience, but its probably felt like, is part of me wants to do it and the other part sabotages it, part of me wants to do it, but the other part doesn’t have enough power to join in etc. That’s part of our consciousness not supporting the other part. I AM the consciousness that creates me as the consciousness of freedom!
I want to ask everyone to step forward and choose hope. Choose to BE the consciousness of Hope.
There are a lot of people leaving right now, a lot of death and a heck of a lot of sickness out in the world right now. When I sat down and asked what this was all about it is that we have lost hope in the world. We have lost hope in ourselves and it is literally breaking down our immune system. Not just physically, but emotionally, consciously, dimensionally and certainly physically. Choose hope. I direct my own consciousness to choose hope.
I am the unlimited being and I see myself that way. We have to expand our unlimited thinking to know that if we get a dis-ease, we are the consciousness that creates it; we are the consciousness that creates health and wellness. I didn’t say fix it, or heal it, you always go to exactly what you want. When my friend died I was put into a little bit of fear and I chose to walk through it to figure out what it was about. As soon as I got to the bottom of this I felt free. It put me into, “I have no control”. I couldn’t help her and I couldn’t save her. When I asked for discernment around this the voice told me, it’s not about control, it’s about creation. We’re not trying to control any thing. We are simply focused on what we want to create, every moment of right now. You are creating you. Not the past, not the future. Right now, I am creating me as the unlimited being that I am.
We want to consistently keep creating ourselves as unlimited possibility, unlimited thought and unlimited joy.
· I am the consciousness that supports my own consciousness.
· The highest definition of power is BEING.
· The highest definition of creation is being born EVERY minute.
· A belief is a commitment in your life. If you have a belief you are committed to keep bringing that forward in your life.
· Most of the time, when we’re living in fear about something, there is no fear to live in. But we’re caught in the fear of it.
· Let it Be. Create yourself as valued, respected and free.
· Don’t ever deny what happened in your life, but you MUST move on.
· We think it’s a rule that when all the amazing good happens in our life some kind of SHIT has to come with it. Let’s give that up. Let’s accept the unlimited thought and possibility that we live in bliss, creation, harmony, financial abundance, great relationships and beautiful health all of the time, because that is what we create all of the time.
· Once we doubt we move out of creation and go into reaction and we don’t KNOW anymore.
· Frightened of your power? Claim that all your energy systems both in the body and above, are open, front and back, balanced, repaired and spinning correctly. Your heart center and your chakras close down because of the fear that you can actually have everything you want.
· What matters is that in this moment of NOW I am choosing to direct me as the being-ness and consciousness that knows I’m responsible and treat other people with love when it comes to money. When it comes to everything, by the way.
· Direct your consciousness to know and direct yourself to that you are safe to release the belief that it must be put off until tomorrow. You are clear, you are free and you are stable in this moment of now.
· We must move forward in our power to choose the creation of who we want to be.
· Whatever perspective you want to voraciously adopt and accept for yourself will be the reality you live in.
· You’re not waiting for them to come to you; you’re waiting for you to be ready to connect with all the information. One’s not better or worse, or good or bad, if you want to connect, connect.
· It’s not a movie anymore. You want to see a glass half full, it will be half full.
· You are the one you have been waiting for.
· We know we are here to help this New Earth move into form easily, effortlessly and joyfully. We have to know unconditionally in our hearts that we knew this all along, we chose this and we can handle it because we are the consciousness that has chosen this very thing.
What a perfect end to a perfect show! I love you guys. Let’s go to our heart centers and feel our power, awesomeness, magnificence and our heart connection; whether we are here, whether we just left or whether we’re waiting to come in, we are all connected in our love as the creation of us as the magnificence that we are. I love you.
To hear this show in its entirety please visit : http://www.awakeningzone.com/Episode.aspx?EpisodeID=462
or tune in every Monday at 5:00 PM Pacific Time for the live show!
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