
Sunday, August 28, 2011


This is it. This is the time of choice.  There is so much to fear-from hurricanes to meteors colliding to tornadoes to money collapse to cancer--when are we going to FINALLY get the message that the fear of the collective consciousness just MIGHT have something to do with all this? And it does.

Individually, we are capable, and responsible, of choosing the perspective of self that defines us and, therefore, our personal world.So let's look at the perspective of our safety in this world. Do we BELIEVE we are safe? Do we choose that perspective? Are we Feeling the peace in knowing that we are in charge of the direction of energy and therefore hold fast in the choice of it? Are we really aware that the perspective that we are not safe actually creates that reality? Do we choose to respect, honor, and acknowledge that all energy is supporting us?

Personally, I have had it. Even many spiritual leaders now are sending urgent messages out about doom and gloom.  It's like, " OK. I know what I said and I know what I teach but now even I can't hold steadfast to what I know.Now I'm scared, too."

Now is the most important time to hold steadfast. To choose. To create. As individuals, we have the responsibility of our own creation. And that responsibility has grown in importance as the chasm of Knowing/Not Knowing has  been severed even more. Perhaps that is what the New Earth is really about: are you living in the hell of fear or the freedom of Creation. It is a choice of perspective that can shift this world. Why? Because the more of us that Know and stay in the creation of love, peace and harmony balance those who do not choose that perspective, and the collective energy at least maintains a status quo of hanging on to Hope.

But at some point Hope becomes harder to hang on to with the constant challenges presenting themselves. And the only answer is to consciously CHOOSE the perspective of Hope: that we are hope, we see ourselves as hopeful, and we experience hope in this world and the world, itself, as hopeful.

The atmosphere is responding to our fear. Our health-mental/physical/spiritual/chemical- is responding to our loss of hope. And we are breaking down. We can create something else in the snap of a perspective, but we have to do that EVEN WHEN IT MAKES NO LOGICAL SENSE. It is never going to make logical sense, because we have been taught that logically we have to be afraid.And that creates more fear, which creates more dis-ease and natural disasters because the energy can only express the perspective we each hold and , ergo,the collective--the majority of the energy--expresses.

The Crossroads of seeing the glass half full or half empty has arrived.  This is the moment to claim that we are the creation of  our Creation. The path diverging in the woods can make the difference in your life and the reality of the world. Right now, the road of imagination, creation, and blind faith is the road less traveled. Choose it. It can make all the difference.  Blessings, Dee

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