
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Conscious Creation with Dee Wallace ~ Show Recap ~ August 25, 2011

            Hello all you amazing, fabulous, incredible, magnificent and VERY sexy people! OMG! If you weren’t on the “I Am Miracle” call last night and you are called to check it out, please do. It was an incredibly empowering night together! There were major energy shifts that occurred.

            I want to talk quickly and then get right to the calls. What part of our consciousness is fighting the other part of our consciousness? What perceptions do we have that are dueling with each other? What conflicting directions are we giving ourselves? It’s the time of integration guys. One perspective. One direction. Okay? The only person that can do that is you. We went into this in great depth last night, but quickly, the choice and direction of the perspective of yourself (how I see myself, what do I think about myself, what are the thoughts of myself, what do I know about me creating myself?) Those perspectives literally direct your consciousness of who you are. That consciousness allows your soul to be limited or unlimited. The perspective you choose to hold about yourself, my beautiful person, defines whether you can be limited, unlimited or anywhere in between. Do you see how important that is? Do you choose to see that you are number one in the world, knowing that you are the one? Or do you choose to hold the perspective that you are less than that? The universe says yes.

            We do not have the highest understanding of this yet, but I want to give you the information. We are going to be like that little child and say, yes, there is a Santa Claus. It is my perspective, and you are joining me in this, that I am the balance of masculine, feminine and child, consistently and in full integration. When that happens our hormones are in balance and in harmony with one another.  When we keep our masculine, feminine and child in balance, and our hormones intact, we stay in the moment. Which is where we create. That is where we are the miracle. If we leave the moment we go into fear. Fear and hopelessness is what is breaking down the immune systems in the world. If you want to start feeling better; get your hope back. Be the perspective of hope within yourself and within the world.

            Our highest intention today is to be number one. We are going to be the power of the number one that we are.


·      The creation of you depends on the perspective of you that you choose to have.  It’s the truth. But, you have to buy that it’s the truth so you have the guts to choose a perspective that may not make any sense.
·      It’s all about you.
·      When you wake up in the morning give your life direction. Direct your day. “My intention and my claim for this day is that I am in balance of masculine, feminine and child energy, that I know that I am the miracle that chooses every perspective that creates me. I choose love today. I choose joy today. I choose peace today. I choose empowerment today. I choose to know that I am number one TODAY.” Start your day with that everyday and watch the magic unfold.
·      Whatever area in your life you are questioning that your perspective is the miracle that is creating it, come forward and claim, “I am the light energy of balance, clarity and clearing around all of this, I choose the perspective that I am good enough, and that I cherish myself and deliver to me, in divine love, all of my desires.”
·      I am choosing the perspective that I create health and wellness in this body.
·      I am the light energy of balance, clarity and clearing through my ionosphere and beyond; I commit to being the perspective that I am it, that I know it, that I experience it, I believe it, I expect it, I receive it and so it is.
·      Take your power back from yourself!
·      We are the perspective that we are there and we are the miracle! Every moment of now!

Let’s take a moment to come together, allow the amazing love of you, the magnificence of you, the experience of the miracle of you. Allow that to fill you up right now. Let’s feel the love of the truthfulness that we come together to share in this hour. We are magnificent creators. We are divine love. We are the miracle that creates us, the perspective,  and therefore, the world that we live in. Just feel the knowingness and the experience of that. I love you. Love yourself as much as I love you and we’ll shift the flippin world in an instant. Be well, be safe, be your creation of you!

To listen to the show in its entirety please visit 

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