
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Conscious Creation with Dee Wallace ~ Show Recap ~ August 18, 2011

                                 THE EMAIL SHOW!!!

Hello all you amazing, fabulous, incredible, magnificent and very, very sexy people! This is the show that I’ve been promising you all forever, where I answer your emails! I want you to know that no matter when you’re listening to this or when you get this information; it’s the information you’re supposed to have. Your consciousness creates that perfectly for you.

Just so we can have an idea of how far we have come since these emails have come in, I am getting ready to do “I Am the Miracle” next week. That will give you some identification of the timing when this was done. I am going to pick the emails at random and we will be off and running.

Here we go. At the beginning of this email she expresses how lucky she is and how much she has created in her life, but wants to know why she cannot communicate well with her husband. If she is setting the intention and asks for and is something that she has always wanted to have a great relationship with her husband. What can she do to create a truly joyful and successful life with him, with trust and unconditional love, free of fears, critics, judgment, resentment and too much silence. We are going to balance all of this. I am the light energy of balance, clarity and clearing around all of this.

Going to the third sheet. We are being directed to our hara line, to strengthen it, straighten it and make sure it is going through the i.d. point. The hara line is all about not knowing. You’ve got to know first. You have to know that you are free of judgment, fear, the critics and the silence. Every time something comes up with your husband, you have to stop and say, “I am the consciousness that has created this illusory perception in my life.” If you stay in your knowingness and remember this, it should clear up for you.

~ Nuggets of Creation from the Show  ~
·      You need to awaken the joy within yourself so that you can make the decision to create more joy for yourself by giving yourself what you want.
·      I am the consciousness that I am the illusion that takes action.
·      If we are the consciousness that creates any illusion that we want in this world, you want to direct your consciousness to create itself as knowing, allowing and accepting that all other consciousness creates themselves as well and that you support them in their own healing.
·      I am the consciousness that creates consistency. I choose to be the consciousness of consistent creation around the things that I want in my life.
·      When we create ourselves as the consciousness of peace, joy, freedom, bliss, harmony, understanding, forgiveness, love, happiness, all of the things we know, When our DNA, our intelligence and our consciousness are made up of those things our body responds with health and wellness.
·      You can feel the fear in fear based thinking, it feels urgent or like something bad will happen. Intuition never feels that way. Intuition always feels right. Wishful thinking can feel like intuition, but can also be partnered with I’m not worthy or I don’t have a chance then it can become fear based thinking.
·      You are the creation of the consciousness that creates you knowing that you can unconditionally expand and be powerful as the consciousness that you are.
·      I am the consciousness of calm. I am the calm consciousness. I am the consciousness that creates the illusion of calm everywhere, all the time in my life. It is my choice. It is my direction.
·      Clearly know and direct that we are choosing to be the consciousness that knows that it supports itself in all expansion and creation of everything that it wants, knowing that its all an illusion, a game and that our consciousness can create whatever it wants.
·      I am the consciousness of masculine, feminine and child that chooses to be the consciousness that knows it creates the masculine, feminine and child within it.
·      If the intuitive doesn’t know that it can create, support and be supported by the masculine, and if the masculine doesn’t know its supported by the feminine and the child doesn’t know that it can trust both of them, creation LITERALLY can not happen.
·      I was asked about how the Mayan calendar was going to affect all of us, and got that literally we are going to be forced to stay in the moment, live in the moment and forced to be the creation of each illusory moment. You cannot create the future except by being in the consciousness of this moment. Of course the Mayan calendar had to stop when we started living in the moment and stopped looking to the future.
·      God is not judgmental about any thing; GOD simply wants to experience the creation of energy in different ways.
·      If you try to stay focused on joy that means you are trying to NOT focus on the lack of joy. Simply be the essence and consciousness of joy itself. Live and breathe yourself as joy.
·      You literally have to be the creation of the consciousness of you. The consciousness of you is the creation of you and your world.
·      Anything is right if your consciousness creates it that way. All you have to do is decide to be in harmony with that. The best way to understand and experience that is how you feel. If it doesn’t feel good to call someone back, don’t call them back.
·      Care about the relationship with yourself first and then you will always be divinely directed as to how you create relationships with everything else.
·      “You had the power all along” _Glenda the Good Witch. Seize your power!
·      If you want to heal the world, heal the universe of you. Be love. Take that love out into the world. That’s what everything is about!
·      I am divine love and I am the divine love of the consciousness that I am. So it is.

What a great and amazing hour this has been! I get all of your energy from your emails and some amazing information has come through today! Thank you for your participation!

Know that I love you. Love yourselves. Be the creation of the consciousness that you are. It’s all up to you. Love yourself, love yourself, love yourself and bring that love out into the world. Until we meet again, be well, be the creation of you!

To listen to the show in its entirety please click here :

Tune in for the live show every Thursday morning at 8 AM Pacific Time.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Dee,
    I am enjoying your blog and wonder what are you referring to on your radio broadcast of "sheets" and such.
    Thank you in advance,
