
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Conscious Creation with Dee Wallace Show Recap ~ Part 50 ~ July 14, 2011

"The I"

Good morning all you amazing, fabulous, incredible, magnificent, beautiful and very, very sexy people. Okay, hold on to your hats, here we go! I know I say that every show, but we’re just breaking through this energy! The discernment that has been coming in for all of us has just been amazing. I’ve never been instructed to do this, but everyone that’s listening, or reading this, past, present or future; anything and everything that we get to on this show today in our ionosphere, beyond, and back again, we are claiming the light energy statement. I am the light energy of clarity, clearing and balance around everything that will be coming up in this next hour.

I have an example of conscious creation for you. As I was looking over this morning I noticed that there were 3 people who chose to unsubscribe from my updates and I really took a hit. I know when that happens that I have to take a look at it. Interestingly enough, it was around communication. It took me genetic health and the core beliefs, “I trust I am the authority and the higher power that creates miracles in my life” and “I am complete”. This is an example of us holding onto the rules and regulations of whenever we feel like we have to force creation, don’t feel we are enough, or we have to fill stuff up.  We are coming together to know unconditionally that I acknowledge being there. I acknowledge I am there. I am the I.

The subject of todays show is “the I”. If you tuned in to my last show or read the last blog, you know what I’m talking about. We are expanding our understanding of what the I Am presence is. We have limited the I am presence, to basically the ceiling that I’m getting is the Archangels and the Ascended Masters; and the I is the energy that includes all energy above and expanded from that energy also. It is what we could call God if that word wasn’t so limited. They absolutely won’t let me use the word God. The only word that represents all of this creative source of energy, right now, is the I. If you can see yourself, your body and your energy as a representation of the totality of the universe, then the creation of us is the creation of the universe and vice versa. When we know that we are the I, everything we create ourselves as is created in the world and can highlight why we must get on top of, focus on, eliminate and be the balance of all cancer in this world, because we are also creating cancer in the universe. If you listened to the other show, you heard me say that cancer is a block of flow in our energy. Our biggest block is not knowing that we are the totality of the I, when we know this we won’t have to create cancer anymore. We are literally talking about cancer as the wreaking of havoc within the division of cells.

I want to read this statement to you; “The energy must understand the creation of itself to understand the process of creation.” As the I that we are, we are claiming total remembering and clarity around that.

I just received an email from someone who wants to attend Creation Station this weekend and I want to read this to you . . .

“I’ve been enduring an eternal battle between my mind and heart making this decision (most of my big decisions) the struggle leaves me feeling exhausted. I just had an epiphany this morning that it’s the struggle that’s been sucking the joy out of my life, not the life experiences themselves. My question is why am I choosing this? When I say I want harmony between my mind and my heart I get a no.”

Okay, she could not have said this any better. Once we make the decision, once we make the choice, once we commit, all energy blows open and everything comes forward to ask us to support ourselves. All energy comes forward to support us, because we are the universe. That’s what the statement on the sheets means; literally, we are the creation of all creation.  We’re the creation of understanding it, of how to perceive it and how it responds to us. Her question is why am I choosing this? I want to find out why we’re all choosing to stay in the struggle and I think it came in during this amazing private I did yesterday. “We are taught to come from the perspective of looking for what is wrong.”  So, we want to change our perspective from looking for the assholes to looking for the saints. I accept myself as the I, I experience the light, I experience me as the light, I know you’re out there claiming this with me.

The I is the balance of masculine, feminine and child because we are the whole when we stop competing.  What are cancer cells? They are in competition with our healthy cells. They separate themselves from the whole, competing and running amuck within the body.  Again, I want to remind you that everything in this hour we are claiming the light energy statement of balance, clarity and clearing within our ionosphere and beyond.

The core of clarity is, I create freedom first to create my choices. If we are trying to get clear from the illusion of fear, false perspective, limitation and self-judgment we cannot be the clarity that we want to be.  We are coming forward to claim; I am love, I am light and I see all from that perspective.

On Monday’s show I shared with you and incredible experience that I just had with Dolores Cannon where I was past life regressed. It’s all around everything that we have been talking about and bringing in. This is the message that the I told me I was to take out into the world, “Put down your sword, and put down your struggle. Your love is your coat of arms. The love is what rules.” This came from a lifetime as a Roman Solider, but the lesson was that I’ve been struggling with a huge confusion of power and love. I’ve always known that love was the answer, but of course in Rome, you lived and died by the sword. Since that lifetime I’ve been trying to move into power but every time I got close I would get the message, “No, if you really become powerful Dee, you have to move out of the love that you know is the answer.” We do not have to abandon the higher concept of love to move into power, because our love is our power. Claim that I am the power of the love that I am.


ü  Mark this date because today marks a day where we have made a breakthrough in the healing of cancer.
ü  By the I, I claim miracles in my life now because I know that I am the creation of them.
ü  Take responsibility for your life, the world will support you!
ü  You must create your own knowing, don’t let society create it for you.
ü  “You never knew how beautiful you were, for you never really looked at yourself. You never looked at who you are and what you are. You want to see what God looks like, go and look in a reflector, you are looking him straight in the face.” – Ramtha, the White Book
ü  Claim your own identity. Know that you are the creation of you, fully and completely within yourself. You must be a complete definition of you, a complete creation of you before you enter into any new relationship.
ü  Claiming the light energy statement around all fear, we are replacing it with total love and knowing of our power, that we are the creation of the creation of the I and so it is.
ü  You’ll have more energy, be more energy, need less sleep and be asked to handle more joy than you ever have before, allow the energy to move through you and experience the greatness that you are.
ü  Claiming the light energy statement around this expectation that anything that feels different or feels powerful or feels overwhelming might be bad. Direct it to be good.
ü  Solidify within us that we are the I, our universe is the Universe, and the Universe is our universe. You can’t get there through your mind; you must get there through your heart, your being-ness and your knowingness.

You guys are amazing! I literally feel like I’m coming off my chair. We are all coming together, “I am the love and the love that I am is my power in this world. The grace of love and the grace of power that I am, I put down my sword, I put down my struggle, I am the I of the power of love and so it is.

Let us take a moment to open our heart chakras and connect in this amazing love that we have shared today! We are magnificent. Go and look at yourself in the reflector and see the God that you are. I love you. Till we meet again, many blessings.

To listen to the show in its entirety click here

Tune in for the next live show on Thursdays at 8 am Pacific Time.

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