Hello all you amazing, fabulous, incredible, wonderful, magnificent and VERY sexy people! Welcome! I’m coming to you from Denver, Colorado today! Y’all are just following me all across the country aren’t you! Oh My God! We have to get going because I have so much information to share with you! All of the information that came in about ADD and ADHD came in because it is a metaphor for what is going on in the world with everyone right now.
I spent my evening last night with a lot of people who were attending this conference I was at, new age bookstore owners, vendors with crystals and all that stuff. We all went out to dinner last night and it turned into quite the discussion about wearing a specific crystal or keeping a different one by your computer, etc. I immediately started going into reaction about all of this, so walking my talk, I went home and sat down to do the work around it. It started out with the information that it threatened my work, which was surprising, because I doubt anything can threaten my work at this point because I have so much positive evidence around what we do. I followed the breadcrumbs, like I do with you, and discovered that a lot of these people still believe in the dark side and the idea that we have to protect ourselves from certain things. If that’s what you are looking for, I’m not your girl, because I am letting go of the struggle. I am all about the ease and the effortlessness of my life these days. However, a part of me was in judgment around these people holding their beliefs or I would not have gone into reaction. Please join me in claiming the light energy statement around the struggle and allowing our lives to be created and delivered to us easily and effortlessly. I am the balance of the masculine, feminine and child within the light energy of me.
Clear communication is up for a lot of us. One thing that is in the way of clearly communicating energetically with the universe and each other is holding onto our stories and the struggle. It’s in the way of our clear manifestation.
The kids that are currently coming in to this world have different D.N.A., its already different, which is why we have not had this information about ADD and ADHD before. They are confused about the rules and don’t understand why we need all of these rules in place. They decide they are stupid and ignore the rules and regulation. It’s the response to this decision that throws off the balance of their masculine, feminine and child energy. The child energy then becomes dominant and it creates the child moving out of trust of their own creation of themselves and the creation they are bringing forth. That ultimately keeps them from getting back to the home of themselves and keeps them from holding the balance of masculine, feminine and child. The rules keep them in struggle, they can’t stay centered and balanced, keep their hearts open, or stay in the ease and flow. This is all a metaphor for what’s going on with all of us and this is why it is so important for use to balance the masculine, feminine and child and direct it to be the one energy that it is.
Think about your body, you have one body with a lot of parts that make it up. There is one energy that is composed of masculine, feminine and child, but together makeup one energy. We are claiming the light energy statement around all of this; we are directing the balance around all of it. We direct our consistent knowing in our Hara line that we stay balanced in the masculine, feminine and child as the one energy that we are. We are claiming the golden light that comes down and consumes all energy. All of the old energy we have directed and transmuted, we ask to be goldenized so we can absolutely take this energy and direct it from the blank page of what we want. We are directing the balance of DNA in mankind and the universe and so it is.
· I am claiming the intention that I am moving RIGHT now, in THIS moment!
· If you are a survivor you keep creating stuff you have to survive from.
· I continually take steps forward to create the expansion of me.
· I am the director of my life and I am clearly directing it to be easy and effortless.
· It may feel like fear, but its probably excitement.
· The best way to phrase a question is, “Is everything within me in harmony with bringing (money, love, happiness, etc.) into my life and if it isn’t, I am directing the balance of that right now. I claim the light energy statement around (money, love, happiness, etc.)
· There is no wrong, you’re not doing anything wrong, and you’ve never done anything wrong. The whole reason we are here is to experience energy and play around with it in every way shape and form.
· We are directing the balance of masculine, feminine and child energy within the radiation of our light to send that out into the world so everyone can receive our love, our joy, our knowing and our clear intent of expansion and empowerment on this plane.
· I am the knowing of the God that I am and I radiate that out into the world.
· I am THERE. As we believe it’s delivered unto us. The belief that we’re not there keeps us from the reality of knowing it!
· I am the light energy of balance and clarity around it all!
· If your Hara line gets all caddy-wompuss, you can’t feel the truth. The truth is I AM THERE.
· The breathing exercise: Take a deep breath in to the count of three or four, as you exhale with a smile on your face to the mantra “I AM THERE”! Do this 10 minutes a day, no more than 20 minutes and I promise it is a life changing exercise!
· The belief that you have to work so hard keeps you from the joy that you are!
· We have to powerfully know that we are God and God Energy.
· I am the freedom of the creation of the God energy any way I choose it to be. I am loved unconditionally. I choose freedom, joy, bliss, abundance, unconditional love, money, fabulous energy, great health, fabulous sex, and an awesome partner, whatever you want! But you have to ask for it, direct it, feel it and KNOW it’s possible!
Take a moment, LOVE YOURSELF will ya? Love yourself. Let your heart center and your energy centers open. Let’s come together as the community that we are, in empowerment, in magnificence, in joy and in choice of the God that we are of unconditional love for ourselves and for the world! Go out and make a difference! Create your life for God’s sake! I LOVE YA!
To listen to the entire show click here : http://www.awakeningzone.com/Episode.aspx?EpisodeID=321
Tune in next Monday at 5:00 PM Pacific Time on the AwakeningZone.com!
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