Hello all you amazing, fabulous, incredible, magnificent and very, very, very sexy people! I’m home! It’s so good to be home! There has been so much information coming in, I simply don’t have time to recap the other radio show on this show, so please, please, please check out my other Radio Show!
I have had lots of questions about the new statement, so here it is:
I am the light energy of clarity, balance and clearing around the issue (fill in the blank).
We haven’t used the word clearing in a long time, but when I was working with Michael the other day we discovered that what is happening is we balance the shit, it all rises up and hangs there in our ionosphere and beyond. So, we need the “clearing” part in the statement in order to give the clear direction to clear the energy from the ionosphere and take it back to pure light at the blank page so we can claim what we want.
So, if you were claiming this around money, we would say, “I am the light energy of clarity, balance and clearing around money. I am Money. I create Money. Money is me.”
I have the first three numbers as frequencies to give out to you today. This is the highest understanding that we have right now.
The frequency of 27 is expression or expansion of time.
The frequency of 56 is light or the lack of light.
The frequency of 167 is rules and regulations that keep us from God’s touch or as I understand it, universal love.
What Jarrad and I discovered yesterday is that the masculine, feminine and child within the one energy that they are have been in competition with one another within that one energy. The balance of those three is really the definition of the balance of the self. It’s a metaphor for all dimensions being one dimension, which was new information for us. I am the energy that is in harmony with my own self and the balance of masculine, feminine and child as the one energy of myself. So it is.
For your serenity in this world, the balance of masculine, feminine and child must be in place. Claim this; I am the balance of the masculine, feminine and child within the light energy of me.
I want to speak about money for a minute. Money makes us feel powerful and when we feel powerful we feel and know that we’re God. I’m on this passionate crusade to invite, insist and encourage you all to feel and BE the power that you are. Creation is powerful, you can’t do it form a fearful place. You’re worthy. Period. Claim it. Money makes us feel powerful. During a private we were working on money and it took us to the genetic list, 1 and 2, which is genetic relationships and religion and then paired that with knowing that I AM and trusting that I AM the voice in this life. When we put that all together, what feels like, “I can’t make enough” or “I don’t deserve to make more” all of that stuff is really rooted in the fear of power and the knowing that we are God when we make the money. For those of you that are going, “Okay, but the money hasn’t shown up yet.” invite yourself to know that it’s okay to be powerful and see if that helps you shift.
· Breath and Clarity are very important to put together. I AM THE BREATH OF CLARITY. Breath is the breath of life, when you’re clear you’re free and you have more breath in your life and more life in your breath!
· Stay in the moment, live in the moment and create in the moment! This is the place the New DNA works from. We aren’t taught to do that, we often look to the future, but we can no longer create from that place.
· You don’t have to drag anything, pay anything, do anything, you just simply have to be the freedom, joy, bliss, and the unconditional love that creates the perfect health, the perfect money, the perfect relationship, etc.
· A lot of us are falling out because we are focusing on “the poop” and bringing the poop in with our creation instead of focusing on what you want to create. You can’t live in the moment of perfect health, wellness and mobility if you are living in “Ohhh wow, I’m not mobile, my back still hurts, but I’m going to claim this to see if it goes away.” You must take yourself into the experience of feeling great!
· We have to have a new attitude around healing. That attitude is JOY. If you want to heal yourself, you must stay in JOY!
· Nobody and nothing can set you free, except for yourself!
· I get to create me and everybody else does too. Everything is in perfect harmony and I’m moving forward with my life!
· I am going all the way! Right now in the most I am being the most powerful, most expanded God that I Am. I Am making Massive amounts of money in this moment. I Am fabulous, incredible energy and health in this moment. I Am going and I know that I am safe and secure in this moment to do it.
· I Am responsible for the power of God that I Am. My responsibility is to direct it in divine love for myself, and all energy.
· I am choosing to WANT to be the God that I am.
· We have to be truthful with ourselves.
Take a moment, open your hearts, love yourself, and feel the love for yourself! Powerfully feel the power that you are. I am the power of the God that I am. I am the balance, the clarity and the clearing of any resistance in my way around this. I am God. Love yourself as much I love you and you are going to create everything! Many blessings to you!
To hear this show in its entirety please visit http://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/54746/directing-energy-part-48
Join us next Thursday for the Live show at 8:00 a.m. Pacific time at http://www.voiceamerica.com/show/1766/conscious-creation
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