Good morning all you fabulous, incredible, magnificent and very sexy people! Here I am in another hotel room in Portland and man, the you know what is hitting the fan! Holy hell! We are at the Berlin wall of the I Am. We all want to join together in bringing it down, knowing that we are the one energy and that there is only one energy. That is the I am energy that we are working with.
One of my partners that I am in a working relationship with that has been easy and effortless and joyful just started hitting the fan. I felt like things weren’t getting completed and they felt like I was on them all of the time, and there was tension and disharmony throughout the whole situation. When I finally sat down and did the work it ended up being such a huge gift for the both of us about what our beliefs were. I want to share this with you because, as you know, your poop is my poop. My belief was, “Others don’t come through for me, other energy, and other people.” His belief was, “I don’t come through for other people.” So you can see why we both perfectly came together to get to the balance of the fact that his energy is my energy and vice versa, because there is only one energy. So we want to know that THE energy always comes through for itself, as itself, to itself and with itself within relation to all other energy. I called Jarrad and asked him to double-check this for me since I am so close to the situation. He discovered his belief is, “I don’t come through for myself”. Again we have a trinity of the three beliefs!
There is usually a flip side of an issue when you are in disharmony with someone; you’ve got a lesson, they have a lesson, but its usually around the same issue. Everyone claim, I Am the one energy. Everything we cover today will bring us back to the separation issue. There is no separation of the one energy.
The statement we are working with right now is: I am the light energy of balance, clarity and clearing.
Working with someone on stage last night, she shared that she got a disease, she cured it within two days, and then the disease came back. What came through the channel was that she had just scared the hell out of herself because she created this miracle. Let’s just claim and choose and allow that we know that we are the miracles, so therefore miracles are an everyday, awesome, regular part of our creation!
We have to be careful to not care too much about what it is that we want to create. When you care too much, you create the fear of not creating it, therefore building up the anxiety around the fear of not creating the miracle. I’m in fear of the miracle and I’m in fear that I can’t create the miracle. I am the miracle, I create the miracle and the miracle creates me.
Within the balance of the masculine, feminine and child, the child is the I AM presence. You can’t go to the creation of what you want, without the balance of the masculine and feminine in place.
Whenever things come up repeatedly in your life, know that its something you need to look at. Cancer has been coming up in my life a lot lately. I had a very good friend that was recently diagnosed with cancer, I was offered a role in a play of a woman who is dying of cancer, and then I went to a party and met a guy who was battling cancer. Looking at cancer, this is what the channel has brought in so far; a block in our energy flow creates cancer. The biggest block in our energy flow is the doubt that we are the one energy, we are the miracle and that we are the I Am presence. That keeps us out of the balance of masculine, feminine and child and therefore, out of our knowing and out of clarity.
· Wherever I go, whenever I go within the universe of me, I know.
· Organized religion does not allow MOST people to have clarity. There are some people that can empower themselves through organized religion, most people cannot, most people are limited by it.
· If you know that you are, then you are. If you don’t know that you are, you’re not.
· Your opportunity is to sit there, feel freedom, bliss and joy, and know, I AM the one energy of the universe, and all energy matches this harmony. This amazing childlike joy and knowing that makes me free.
· Be as a little child and you will enter the kingdom of heaven.
· I am the light energy of balance, clarity and clearing around the embarrassment and the power and joy around asking for what I want.
· The only thing that is in our way of instantaneous miracles right now is that we don’t know that we are it.
· If you are holding a belief that I can’t get everything that I want anyway, it will save you from the heartbreak of not getting it. Let’s let go of that limiting belief right now.
· I will save me with or by my limitations. Claim the light energy statement of balance, clarity and clearing around all of this. I save me by knowing that I am the miracle that I am. So it is.
· Trust and Clarity work hand in hand in the same way that Masculine and Feminine do.
· Taking action while you’re daydreaming equals creation.
· The “Old Earth” looks like; I have to struggle, worry, I don’t know, I’m not clear and I have a lot of judgment. The “New Earth” looks like; I’m free, love, bliss, joy and happiness. Right now, there are all kinds of layers in between that we’re working through letting go of each of the beliefs that are holding the layers in place.
· You can continue to find fault with where you are and the universe will continue to put you in those places that you don’t want to be, so you can learn to choose to be happy wherever you are; then you don’t have to be in the places you don’t want to be anymore.
· You wanting more or creating more does not take away from anyone else’s creation. There isn’t a more or a less, that is part of the polarities b/s that we are trying to move out of. The more that you create, the more that can be created and it’s simply the energy experiencing, creating more.
· I am the creation of all energy coming through for me, as my creation.
· No one or nothing outside of you, defines you. If someone hurts you you are allowing him or her to define who you are.
· I am the energy that always comes forward to support, love, cherish and honor me in everyway. I am the creation of that.
· I am total freedom in the creation of everything that I want. I am the creation of that.
Til we meet again, love yourself, love yourself, and love yourself! I love you! Feel that love for yourself! Go create! Go be powerful!
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Check out the next live show at on Thursday’s at 8:00 am Pacific Time.
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