Hello all you amazing, fabulous, incredible, magnificent and OH MY! Very sexy people! Here we are again, my favorite time! There is a lot of yin and yang going on huh guys? Please be aware that all of this energy around 9/11 is permeating the collective. You’ve got to be feeling it. It actually took me a few days to figure out what this was. This isn’t usually me, up, down, in, and out. It’s messing with the balance of the masculine, feminine and child and we know how important that is. The highest word they took me to was “loss”. This didn’t surprise me since I’m getting ready to speak at my best friend’s memorial; hence, loss has been up a lot for me. So around loss, we are being asked in the ionosphere and beyond to invoke the golden light. The golden light consumes energy. We are invoking the golden light to consume the energy of loss. When I did more work around it they took me to “Star Wars” and Yoda and the force being with you. The force that they want us to put back out into the atmosphere consciously and to direct the balance of masculine, feminine and child around is love. We come together, stand together and consciously direct love out into the atmosphere, out into the ionosphere, which will also affect some of the weather challenges that we’ve been having.
I want to go to the fires and they are telling me that the highest reason for the fires is because we are angry with ourselves for not knowing that we’re the creators. Let’s just love ourselves knowing that we are on the journey of remembering. We know it all, but we’re remembering. Embrace the fires with the peace and the calm.
The topic today is supposed to be faith, trust and hope. We’ll see if we manage to stay on topic. The biggest thing right now is hope. We really need to hold the hope, knowing that we are the hope. When we hold the hope that we are the hope. We are the creating force and we do have dominion over the direction of the energy of our lives. How can we not live then in faith and trust?
We had a little misinformation about my episode of the Office airing; it actually won’t air until October! There’s been a little bit of resurgence for “Bright Light” and I want you to know how much I appreciate your support and love.
Also, very quickly, this came in over an email and when the channel wrote back I knew I had to take it to everyone. “Direct the balance of masculine, feminine and child energy around knowing, I am the highest answer and ask yourself, is that the perspective that I am holding about myself? Because if it isn’t then your I AM can’t create because you haven’t given it the power to” We are all coming forward to direct the balance of the masculine, feminine and child around knowing I am the answer, I am healed, I simply have to receive the information and create!
The reason we have to let go of the past is, you know that old phrase, “History repeats itself”? Well if there is no history and you’ve let it go, it can’t repeat itself. We honor it, we acknowledge it and then we let it go as part of the history it is. We do not bring it into the present moment and then the recreation of it will not have any power. I am divine love around all of that.
· When energy is done, when your job is done, when the service is done, when what you’ve learned is completed, you must move on.
· Focusing on the history of the loss is an old way for us to show we are totally committed to the love for those that were lost, for those who participated in the amazing heroics of that day. This is not the way to honor that love or to focus on that love.
· Can you see yourself through the perspective of someone who is always loved, cherished and honored?
· Look and see and you will easily be able to find your bright light moment!
· I am the person that creates what I want and what I need and that’s IT!
· We don’t look at America as beautiful anymore and we’re getting the exact perspective that we’re holding about it. Our country is merely an extension of the creation of ourselves. Which means we aren’t seeing ourselves as beautiful and we are not holding ourselves in integrity. We’re focused on smog and litter. Whatever it is within us that we are seeing in ourselves as less than the magnificence that we are, that we are choosing to balance the masculine, feminine and child around that. I am divine love and I am choosing the perspective of me as magnificent, beautiful and the creative force that I am. Therefore this is the perspective that I choose to see myself, my country and my world through.
· Do we have to keep recreating the history of loss so that we can come together, bond together, be a family together, and remember what is important in this world? Seriously? We have got to start with us and we have got to do it today! Everything that we come from, through and as comes from the perspective of divine love, the open heart and the embracing of this magnificent world that’s created of magnificent souls that are US! Then we can choose to leave when we’ve had a full life, not in order to remind the masses of love.
· Follow your guidance. Your guidance is not your head, its when you drop into your heart and know from the intention of divine love for you and all concerned, what is my knowing that I need to hear around all this?
· I am divine love around hearing the power of my masculine voice.
· I am divine love around knowing that the light comes in, the work is done in the instant that the direction is made, the tipping point is reached, the history is dissipated and creation is all that is happening. The creation of the balance.
· We are the love. We ourselves are the love.
· Use the light within you to heal yourselves.
· I am Divine love around the light that I am. Whenever we direct energy we consciously know that we are directing the light within us, the source that we are to fill us up with light, love, peace, joy and unconditional knowing that everything is done.
We must only focus on creation, not on the healing of the 9/11 situation. I want to spend more time on this, and that is exactly what we are going to do on the podcast on the 14th, please come and join us.
I love you. I honor you. I respect you. I cherish you. Hold that perspective about yourself and watch your world shift. I love you.
To listen to the show in its entirety visit: http://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/56077/directing-energy-part-57
Join us live every Thursday morning at 8:00 AM Pacific Time at: http://www.voiceamerica.com/show/1766/conscious-creation
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