Hello all you magnificent, fabulous, incredible, awesome and very sexy people! I said my magnificent first and then I just had to live in the moment and create there! Hold onto your hats because there is new stuff and new understanding! We’ve just been discerning, discerning and discerning all day long! It’s very exciting.
I’m getting masses of emails with great response to “Creating Me After Loss”! We got to some great discernment around a lot of things, none the least of which was a lot of people thinking that just balancing the energy was actually creating what they wanted. When you balance the energy it brings you back to the point where you can create, the zero point, so you can choose. Then you have to consciously claim and direct what you want. Once you get clear about what you want, claim and direct it, know that it is done. The rest of it is simply holding your attention on only what it is you want and have directed. It’s not a continual, “Okay, please. Okay, please. Okay, please.” It is however a continual creation in every moment. It’s a shift in the intention around that. For example, if I am directing perfect health around my back and that’s my clear direction and I harmonize with freedom, joy, love, unconditional love, bliss, and harmony in my life. Now, all I do is focus on the harmony of freedom, joy, love, unconditional bliss around my back, I feel it, I see it, I know it. I’ve claimed it and I know it’s delivered unto me and I hold my focus on that.
I got an email asking, “How does one live in the moment all the time, being creation while also acting “as if”?” Well, they are kind of the same thing guys. You live in the moment, holding your focus, you can call it acting “as if”, but I call it holding the focus of what I know has already been created through my clear direction. If I’m driving along and I know in my mental mind that I have $300 in my account and in that moment I hold my focus on an abundance of money in my account, saying, I am absolute freedom around money, I know I have it, I’m in joy around it, I can feel it, I know that I have more than enough; that is holding the focus on what you want. What’s happening is that we are going back and forth and back and forth and we’re not staying in our knowing and therefore, we aren’t staying in the moment. When you’re in the moment you’re in your heart center and you know all is well and all is created.
One of my friends was telling me an analogy she heard that our minds and brains are like Teflon for the positive and Velcro for the negative. Somehow our minds and our brains literally want the positive to slide off and away and we literally get stuck like Velcro to the negative. I think that’s true and is a lot of what’s up around authenticity. I’m going to do my valiant best because it’s still coming in. What I understand so far is that we are going from heart to mind, heart to mind, heart to mind, which is keeping us in purgatory. We’re stuck not really creating either way. What it looks like it, I do what I don’t want because I think that’s what I want to do. It’s mind you know what. I do what I don’t want to do because I think that’s what I want. Another one; when we give our power to ourselves to create we feel we are giving our power away and not creating. Now, a lot of this is occurring because we are afraid that we are going to screw it up. We play all of these little games to keep us out of our power, to keep us sabotaging or misunderstanding our power. We aren’t moving into it or claiming it and it’s not working anymore. We’re tripping ourselves up. I would like to invite you to look at the perspective that you are holding for other people. Do you think that other people and other energies always come through for you and to support you? Is that your perspective of yourself and therefore other energy? Because if it is not, you know that you will be creating whatever perspective you are holding.
Around authenticity, what we’ve been taught is that our mental mind appears to make sense, so that has to be authentic. Our mental mind appears to be the thing that makes sense in this world; we troubleshoot with and hold ourselves safe with. In essence, it’s our inspiration and our divine guidance that doesn’t appear to make sense, but is truly our authentic self. That is when the channel is open and we are connected to all energy. True authenticity does not come from your mind and what you think it might be, it comes from dropping into your heart and knowing. The conundrum is if you bounce back to your head so fast that you don’t realize you went back there, which cancels out or makes you doubt what you got to in your heart. It’s like parallel thinking and I think this is what a lot of us are doing. Parallel thinking in my life may look like this, “Oh my God! I’ve got an audition. I’m so blessed to have an audition. Oh well, I bet someone else will get it”. Do you see how that can be two parallel worlds, two hearts or two minds that you’re holding? It’s parallel and not converging. Picture two roads that are running parallel that then split off and diverge, one of the paths makes all the difference. If you have converging roads that run parallel but then eventually run together and you don’t know or have a clue whether positive is negative or negative is positive. That is the best I can explain it right now, but I want to open your mind up to claiming, I am divine love around one thought that I am the peace, harmony, divine love, freedom, joy, bliss and creation that I am. I know that was a lot to digest but I bet that resonated with a lot of you.
· Your I Am presence is the most powerful force in the universe. You must direct it to what you want it to be.
· Find consistency of holding your focus on what you want until it becomes automatic.
· Let’s direct that all of our hearts, brains, our blood and all of our functions can, will and are balanced harmoniously in the excitement of the creation of who we are.
· When your adrenals blow out from stress, fear and fight or flight, you cannot control your mental thoughts. You start dovetailing into reaction and negative thinking.
· We cannot create peace, harmony, bliss, freedom and unconditional love and stay in a relationship with someone that we are scared to be with. The relationship must fall away in order for you to ascend.
· Go be joyful and tell anyone, anything or anybody in your life that isn’t joyful or freedom, asta manana, Baby!
· We have been very focused on being our Bright Light, now we must work on radiating out our light as well as accept everyone else’s light.
· Close your eyes and see yourself filling up with your own Bright Light, now let your body fall away and all you are is light. Can you instantaneously see that your light connects with all of the other light and now there is only light. This is what we are being asked to hold. The vision of our light meeting The Light, so we truly have the experience that we are THE light. We are never alone, we are never just sole creating. We are the creations of our light connected with THE LIGHT.
· Choose to trust all energy to show up for us because we know that we’re the creators of all energy through the perspective that we hold about ourselves. If the perspective we hold about ourselves is freedom, joy, divine love, expansion, more than enough-ness and we trust ourselves, celebrate ourselves, then all other energy has to match that and we get to play in harmony with all energy in the creation process.
· I am divine love around hearing the highest words and highest claim around singular thinking. I am the singular thought of freedom, joy, bliss and unconditional love. I am that thought. So it is.
· If you can just hold the focus on “I love getting out and creating! How can I share this with more people?! How can I reach more people?” The abundance will follow.
· Step out of your safety net, because that is the only way you can go into your heart center and trust. We force ourselves to trust. I am the highest answer, I am healed, I am the consciousness that creates the energy exactly as I direct it to be.
· My I Am presence is the strongest presence in this world and it is clearly directing everything to be in harmony with me with honoring and cherishing me. I choose to honor and cherish me and I demand that all energy be in harmony with that. My I Am presence is the most powerful presence on this earth. It is my clear direction that I honor and cherish and respect myself and all energy must reflect that.
· You are the creation of you. Period. As long as you are conscious enough to accept that responsibility.
I have such awesome love for all of you! You make me feel so good! I feel free, complete and clear and I thank you for helping me create this community so we can all come together and know our magnificence. I love you guys! Love yourself, love yourself, and love yourself more! Get up in the mirror, look at yourself and say, “I am Magnificent!” I will see you on Thursday! Bye bye!
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