Hello all you amazing, fabulous, incredible, magnificent, very, very sexy people! Here we are! Here we are after the most amazing weekend! OMG you guys! If you weren’t in Santa Fe with the Crimson Circle summer conference please don’t miss it next year wherever we are! Such a joyous celebration of Shaumbra, life, joy and the highest possibilities for truth! I’m sure it will be posted on their site. It was my deep honor to be one of their speakers there and DID WE ROCK OUT?!
I’m jumping in because I have so much information to give you. It’s all around authenticity and the fear of authenticity. This started a long time ago and came up while I was on the stage during my talk this weekend and expanded out through privates today. It’s the fear of the authenticity of our power because we are in fear of the destruction we may have created before, i.e. Atlantis. This is what they want us to understand, we never did anything wrong, we never did anything bad. The “destruction” if we want to call it that still, is simply us playing with the energy. That’s all we’re doing when we are in embodiment and out of it. We are playing with energy in various and sundry ways. We are being asked to please come forward, allowing our egos to fall away, and know that there are no polarities, no good and bad, right and wrong, better or worse; it is simply us experimenting with energy. There is no un-creation, false creation, bad creation, etc.
The other REALLY big thing that’s come across is, and I will read a few emails because I want you to start to be REALLY conscious of what we are doing. Live in the moment, there is no waiting. There is no future. The question I want you to ask yourself if you feel like you are leaving the moment, going into worry or angst, is “What can I create NOW in this moment?” Balance the masculine, feminine and child around it so that you can move back into acceptance that you are the creation of all creation. If you do not hold that perception of yourself then how can you BE the creation of all creation? You know that the perception that you hold of yourself around money, relationships, health and wellness, etc., is literally the creation of how you see your life. Your world becomes a mirror and what appears to be a reality around that. What can I create in this moment of now? I balance the masculine, feminine and child around that and I CHOOSE. What’s going on is that we aren’t really living in the truthfulness of what’s enough. It’s affecting our genetic health, spiritually, chemically, cosmically and dimensionally. Because of the belief that is in place, I can never be God because I am flawed. We were taught that we were flawed since the moment we came into this life and many other lifetimes before. Do you hold the perspective of yourself that you are flawed in anyway? If you’re a newbie on the show, please know that you have to take the responsibility to do the work yourself. Let’s all claim, “I am whole, complete and perfect as the God I am, in this moment.” If we know that in every moment, then we are creating ourselves as that in every moment and we get to create what we want, focus on and choose in every moment.
We’re kind of in fear that when we commit to this expansion that we say we are choosing that we lose control and we’re not safe and secure, or that we will be abandoned in the world or screw it up. We are claiming, “I am divine love around all of that, and we are knowing, directing and being, whole, complete and perfect as the god I am, in this moment of now.”
· I do hold that I am the creator, of the perspective that I am the highest answer. So it is.
· If you keep asking whether or not something is going to show up, you are in doubt. Say what you want and anytime a doubtful thought comes up, know that you’ve already directed it, let it go and tell the universe to work it out.
· If you are not creating yourself, you are not creating the reality of your world; you are not creating your home, city, country or world in the way that you want it. THIS IS SO IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO GET. However you perceive yourself is how your world will show up to mirror back to you.
· Do not be afraid of your power, embrace your power, it’s FUN to be powerful! We know that we are in charge and we get to define what that power looks like. We know that we are absolutely directing our power through divine love for ourselves, everyone else, the world and the universe.
· The basis of everything is loving yourself. Simply honor and love yourself for being here.
· The authentic you is powerful. People want you, the energy of you, so get out there and market you.
· If you deal with something in an unconscious way the world will eventually force you to deal with it in one way or another.
· If you do not know that you are connected to all energy then you are not radiating your light out to connect with it. “I am the radiation of my light. I am sending it out and I am connecting it with all energy.”
· You get stuck when you don’t make decisions. Just make the decision. Whether you do or whether you don’t, making the decision is the most important thing you can do.
· You have to accept that you are the creation of all creation and consciously say what you want.
· The more I claim my light, am my light and shine my light, the more I am taken care of in this world.
· As we move forward to shine and be our bright light, the peacefulness of knowing that we are means we don’t have to challenge the right to just be it. When we are it the universe turns around.
· Get your power back dudes! Whomever, or whatever it is you’re allowing to take your power choose right now, I am pulling my power back!
· The more fun you can have the better creators you will be!
Alright guys, we’re out of here! I love you! Let’s take a moment to experience the joy and magnificence of who we are! Let’s send out that connection to each other, radiate out our light to each other, across the country, over the waters, for the waters and over Europe out into the universe! We are radiating the light of the authenticity of the I AM presence that we are! I love you guys! You love yourself! Love yourself, love yourself and love yourself more! Bye bye.
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