Hello all you fabulous, incredible, magnificent, awesome, superfyingly magnificent, very, very sexy people! Are we good or what? Here we are getting together on Labor Day! I literally just landed from working, then did a photo shoot and now, here we are. I really love you for being here with me today and I love me for creating me being here with you! What a great way to start! Let’s get too it, because there is some pretty bizarre stuff going on.
We have been asked to give love to America and to see her as beautiful. We are all coming forward with our hearts open, knowing that the perspective of us is the perspective that we see the world with and therefore the perspective that we create the reality of our world from. So we are choosing to see us as people who are giving love to America and seeing her beautiful. I’m being told this is to help calm the storms.
On an entirely different note; in the ionosphere and beyond, I claim, I see me as having the money that makes the world go round and therefore I see the world having the money to make itself go round. How you see you is how you see the world, and the world gets created. It is therefore affected by how you see yourself, because that energy is then put back into the world and can then see itself as having the money to support itself in a joyful, beautiful, happy, peaceful and endearing way.
We have been asked to come forward to embrace and love all those who have made their transitions, whether recently or from the beginning of time. We are asked not to grieve, but to embrace them and send them all the energy of love that they are. We are coming forward to do that with our hearts open.
I just came from Gettysburg and there was a humongous lightening and thunderstorm last night. When I was a little girl my brother would wake me up whenever we had thunderstorms and we would go out and watch them since we loved them so much. As I sat there in my hotel room on the 6th floor I started to become afraid. I thought this doesn’t make any sense because I used to love them so much. So, I got up at 2 am and asked why I was in such reaction and fear to the storm. It’s because of all the media and what’s been happening with the hurricanes, the floods, the tornadoes that don’t make any sense. Here I was defining what I used to love by the fear that the social consciousness is in. Which we know is part of what has been creating the weather ANYWAY.
My episode of The Office will be the premiere episode of the new season, which I believe is September 22nd! Please tune in and watch it! I was going over the Wellness and Money webinar and OMG did you all bring in some amazing information. I especially needed to be reminded of the lesson we learned about joy in I am Wellness. When we are in joy our bodies heal themselves, when we are in joy we attract money, when we are in joy we create that significant other in our lives we are all waiting for in our lives! I AM JOY! How about that?
· How much can you dream? How much can you go into La La Land? How much unlimited possibility and thought can you live in? That is where you want to go right now. Anyone who brings you back to logic is not enhancing your creation right now.
· Take a minute everyday and appreciate and love yourself for taking time to create.
· Literally the energy of all the people who have made their transition are coming forward and asking us not to celebrate the memory of war, death, winning, or of being attacked, but to simply come forward to create peace, love, joy and harmony. In the ionosphere and beyond we are claiming I AM free and I AM freedom.
· If you want to reach the tipping point, just keep claiming and holding the intention to know that I AM THE EXPERIENCE of creation itself.
· If you’re not in balance you’re in reaction and not in creation. You can balance with “I Am Divine Love”, “I am the light energy of balance, clarity and clearing” or “ Every cell in my body and every part of my energy existing anywhere, I am directing you to be balanced”. There is no right or wrong way; it’s the intention and the consciousness that you bring to it.
· Be joyful around what you want to create.
· I am the light energy of balance, clarity and clearing. I am going to go out and create everything that gives me joy and I am going to let all the money come to me as reci-give for the love and the joy that I’m putting out there.
· We all want to be unconditionally loved and empowered. We all want to have hope again, to be hope again. Those of you that are healers, and you all are, the most important thing you can do right now is to go out and say, “There are answers, there is hope, everything is in perfect alignment. You’re amazing. You are creation. You can do it. All is well.”
· Get up every morning and say, “I LOVE ME! WHAT CAN I CREATE TODAY? I LOVE ME! Where can I start? What can I do that’s gonna rock my boat?”
· Do yourself a favor and listen to my past life regression with Dolores Cannon. It’s still posted on my homepage at www.iamdeewallace.com!
· I’m choosing to be where I am in this moment of now, while I am creating a full time job where I serve and feel great about myself also.
· Take the good things that you want, be in appreciation of them, praise them and praise yourSELF for creating them!
· Love yourself enough to EMPOWER yourself.
· Only you can turn your light up again and go, by GOD, I am creating me, NOW!
· The “new” is happening, but if it hasn’t shown up in physical form, don’t give up. This is what they mean by blind faith and it’s already been created. What happens is, we live in such a logical society, if we don’t see it in front of our eyes, we think its not there, so we go back into disbelief and then we un-create it.
· Do we want to believe in the naiveté and the blind faith? Do we want to know that we have the power to direct a thunder and lightening storm to complete itself so we can take off on time? Can we participate? Do we have the power to do this? If we believe we do, we do. If we believe we don’t, we don’t.
· Find the vibration of joy in your heart!
· I am choosing joy today. Any way I can feel, create and be joy today, that’s what I choose. I want to feel joy.
Thank you for being with me tonight! We brought in some amazing things tonight and shifted some amazing energy. Please take a moment and open your heart to feel the responsibility and the awesomeness of you, that you took that responsibility to create the shift for you and the world!
Drop into your heart center and feel the connection between all of us. I am empowered. I am magnificent. I am Divine Love. I honor myself and I hold the perspective of the power of love that I am that creates it all! Many blessings. I send you my love.
To listen to the show in its entirety visit: http://www.awakeningzone.com/Episode.aspx?EpisodeID=532
Join us Live, next Monday at 5 PM Pacific Time!
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