We have a new core belief that came in. I am going to give it you and then talk about it a little bit, but I am just done with all of this fear. Oh my God. Fear, everywhere, permeating us, even healers are coming out and saying, “Get ready for the fear.” We know that truth never comes from fear it only comes from creation. The new core belief is: Some energy has to die before I can create me.
I want you all to know that I get so many emails from all of you and I am trying to get back to all of you. If you are stuck on a certain subject, money, relationships, health and wellness, or how to do the work, please go re-visit the webinars. That’s why we did them. There is a webinar for every subject you could be stuck on.
The most important thing you can do right now is direct that I am the balance of masculine, feminine and child energy in this day. Before you get out of bed make that direction and it will be the best thing you do all day. When these three things are out of balance, we move out of trust. The interesting thing is if we are in joy, they automatically stay in balance. If you’re out of joy, and your heart is getting hit, you know that you have dominion over your energy and can direct it to rebalance itself in the masculine, feminine and child. I am the balance of masculine, feminine and child energy around trust.
For the first time during a private yesterday I got a new positive genetic direction. I am hearing right now that it is one of many that will be coming in. You know that we have genetic subjects and we have the limiting core beliefs. This is the first genetic new belief that I was given. We were given the direction to claim this genetically and put it in place and as soon as we did that everyone who was blood related to us shifted as well. It’s in the subject of Genetic Serenity. This is not something that has been passed down to us, rather something that we are choosing to genetically pass down. Under Genetic Serenity: I am the serenity of the amazing grace of light and sound that I am. AND we are now back to “I am Divine Love” to balance everything.
We have always been taught that the way to KNOW is to QUESTION. When we question, we automatically invite doubt. So, if you really want to know, then know. Do not question to know, know to know more. As soon as we claim I know, we do. Then everything that we know can be delivered to our consciousness.
· Until you absolutely know that you can be a healer, how can you take yourself out into the world as a healer and expect people to see you as a healer if you don’t know?
· You have to know that you’re the power that takes it out there.
· To know and not to DO is not yet to know. I can say I’m a healer, but if I don’t heal myself and I don’t go out and claim I’m a healer, then I don’t really know that I am a healer.
· If we believe what we teach and we truly know that we direct the energy and the energy responds to our direction, then why do we not know that we can create the universe not having to crumble in anyway, not have to crash in anyway, that devastation does not have to happen in order to create peace, joy, harmony and balance in our world.
· Let’s come together in the knowing that it’s not about the conquering, saving, fixing, being prepared but it’s about creation. WHAT DO WE WANT TO CREATE? Get up every morning and go; what do I want to create today?
· In the masculine, feminine and child, the feminine is the divine idea, the intuition, the instinct and the masculine is the power to bring the creation forward. As soon as those two things come together equally in harmony, the baby has already been born.
· I know that I am the power of the God that I am. Do you want to see yourself as the power of the God that you are or not?
· The only way you can know that you are God is to direct yourself to be the perspective of you that knows you’re God. I choose to know that and I choose to hold in balance the masculine, feminine and child around all of that. I feel it, I experience it and I allow the miracles that it creates.
· When we can bless ourselves as the universe we will be able to bless the universe as the whole.
· The more we choose to say, I am the perspective of peace, I am divine love, I am the power of the amazing grace of light and sound that creates everything. I am it. I choose to know that the universe of me is secure in this world therefore the universe is secure.
· The only thing that can hold our soul captive is fear. The only thing that can hold us in fear is not knowing that we are the creators of our own life.
· If you’re in reaction there’s something in us to balance that we don’t know yet.
· We consciously direct the knowingness for the world and the atmosphere.
Know that I love you. Let’s take a moment to join our hearts in the clear direction that I Am Divine Love. Open your hearts; I am the balance of masculine, feminine and child around the creation of Divine Love. I love you.
To listen to the show in its entirety visit: http://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/56007/directing-energy-part-56
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