Well, here I am on the set of Margarine Wars with Doris Roberts, Robert Loggia ,Terry Moore and many other very talented actors. I almost said no to this project, but I said yes. And like everything, I am not really here for the obvious reason it appears, but to learn yet again about expanding myself, my vibration, my conscious choices and my insight into my greatest part--me.
Just when you think you are among "actors", you mention a belief and find that you are again surrounded by people who are also exploring their beliefs and consciousness. Some call it religion, some awakening, some soul-searching. But we are all swimming in the question of Who Am I and what is my purpose in this big sea of expansion. So many of us found ourselves congregated around the lunch table contributing to the conversation of The Search. I almost said no to joining everyone, but instead I said yes. There were catholics, Buddhists,atheists, science-of-minders, and a variety of other off shoots, all pondering different issues of pain and challenge going on in our lives.
I shared some of Bright Light with them. Another complimented the discussion with the Buddha's meaning of purpose, and inevitably we ventured into the more defined religious
beliefs that we were all raised with and many of the people at the table still shared. One of the more staunch Bible Belters stood up. I felt a moment of sadness that perhaps we had offended him, all of us new-age, California actor types.
He raised his coke. "Here's to us," he said, smiling, " Here's to love."
We all joined in, sharing that brief moment of humanity with strangers that have found a common ground for all. That moment of connection we all are starving for. Tears of emotion filled me up. To Love. Straight and simple. And powerful. Thank you, stranger, for putting it so eloquently. You just never know what you're gonna get when you say yes.
Just say YES!!! Love it - it's awesome that everyone was able to share and learn ! Love you Dee!