
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Conscious Creation ~ Directing Energy Part 40 ~ Show Recap ~ May 5, 2011

Good morning all you amazing, fabulous, incredible, wonderful, VERY sexy people. OMG! We are going so fast, especially now that Bright Light has come out, the energy for me has seemed to escalate to triple the amount I’m used to! I woke up this morning in a total panic after not having a lot of sleep the night before, but was able to get to some amazing information about having to be saved or saving someone else.  There is nobody that has to be saved, least of all you, you were saved the moment you came into this world. However, if we are living with the belief that we need to be saved, or nobody can ever be saved, anything about that, you are going down the wrong track because as you believe, it will be delivered unto you. If our focus, consciously or subconsciously is on, I have to save myself then we will always keep ourselves in the reality of creating things we have to save ourselves from. Like, I don’t have enough money; I have a health crisis, etc. Let’s come together to claim the new statement, the new sheet, to let go of all of this stuff around saving.

We’ve had a lot come in this last week about light and energy. Basically we’ve been keeping them separate; so we’ve been directing energy, but not through our light or with our light, which has sabotaged the enormity of what we can create. We are literally creating new DNA strands of light energy. We were given the words, “the alchemy of the soul”, so I looked up alchemy and the word transmutation was the most appropriate one. We are literally trans mutating the light of our soul right now.
Use this statement to exponentially blow open your manifestation.

“The light of me directs the light of the one to manifest __________________ as the light of the one. “

Quickly lets talk about why I woke up in a panic. On Healing with the Masters last night we had a caller that got incredibly ill with a pain in her head. I got that it was all about the resistance to letting go of the stories. You can not create all of this new thought, this new DNA, this new world if you keep getting the ride from the old stuff guys. We just can’t. My focus and my intention is miraculous healing, and that this work can create that in all of us. But when these callers came in, I could feel me pull back, you all know that I often joke and say, “I am not a doctor.” I knew that this caller and her healing was not a joke and I could feel fear creep in, knowing that I should be careful. So, this morning I awoke in that fear and that panic, which felt very much like post-partum after I had my lovely daughter Gabrielle. I would wake up in such a panic that I had actually done some of the awful things that I had done in my dreams, because my hormones were so out of wack. A lot of what we are doing now has to do with hormones. When we shift our DNA it is going to affect us hormonally.

I lay in bed, processing for a few minutes and then I got up and walked myself through the process that I do with all of you. I felt like I was going to fear, I’m in fear that I had done something wrong, but it wasn’t literally “fear”. It was the fear that my authentic self is wrong, because on the show, I was being exactly that. When I pulled back from that and that is what created the fear. The fear was because I pulled back from my authentic self that knows that we can heal ourselves. Please, everyone, right now, let’s come forward and claim the statement and the sheet around ANY fear of being the authentic self that we are.

The light of me directs the light of the one to manifest acceptance, joy, and glory around being my authentic self as the light of the one. That is the DNA that I am invoking and igniting.  I choose to know, claim, demand and allow that my authentic self is directed through divine love, always is for the highest, the best, the clearest and the celebration of me. So it is.

Last week I wrote a blog about Osama Bin Laden and as I wrote that blog there was a lingering thought of  “How much back-lash am I going to receive for writing this?” My manager sent me this quote this morning. 
"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." Martin Luther King, Jr.
I’m happy to say that being my authentic self I brought forth information that was a pretty clear match to this information. My first thought, and it was a joke, was, yeah and look what happened to him. I want you to know that that is the panic and the opportunity. Can we unconditionally have a new thought that those of us that come forward for the light, that stand for the light, that are the light, that are the authentic selves of the light that we are flourish, are celebrated, are honored, and are secure in this world?

·                         *  If you’re blocked in moving forward and this belief, “In order for me to be born, nobody else     can be.” The only way we can be born in any relationship, business and any other way is to go out and play with everyone who is born. Make sure you balance that statement.
·                        * When I am connected to the I AM, I AM safe and free to joyfully experience the expansion, the ascension of my authentic self in every aspect of my life.
·                      * Just trust that the right information will come up for YOU.
·                      * Do you know that energy goes on when people die? Do you know that they are free? Do you know that they are with you all the time? Those who have passed will give you signs, but your grief can make it difficult for them to see.
·                       * The light of me directs the light of the one to manifest the peacefulness of the maternal DNA as the light of the one.
·                         * Brought that in to shift the energy of the mother’s who have been holding grief that they have been holding for eternity.
·                     * Make a circle and send out all of our meridians of love for all maternal grief that has been held in our DNA, sending out our love through the meridians, to each other and to the world and to all maternal energy and so it is.
·                      * Literally create new DNA around representing and knowing WHO we are without any outside thing to define us. I am a person who is secure in this world whether Bin Laden is here, or he is gone. I don’t need Bin Laden to define the security of me in this world. I don’t need anyone else to define the worth of me in this world. I am worthy because I am here.
·                       * We are at the moment of choice RIGHT now. Whatever it is, we can go, I want to heal, I want to heal, I want to heal, whatever it is I want to know it, whatever it is I choose to let go of it. I am choosing to absolutely know how to love myself, to experience that. If we do not choose to know, become conscious of and to let go of, we must create physical things in our body to get in the way and to get our attention.
·                     * When we ask for miraculous healing, that doesn’t mean that someone else cannot come in to help us, so don’t shut down from other people coming forward to help you.     All the light works together.
·                       * I accept the magnificence of who I AM.
·                        * I experience and grasp the magnificence of who I AM.
·                       * If you don’t acknowledge, feel and celebrate the shifts, the expansion and the small incremental shifts that we are claiming, the experience creates a knowingness and the knowingness creates the experience of joy and freedom.
·                       * I Am filled up with joy, I have unlimited knowing about the joy that I am. The light of me directs the light of the one to manifest joy as the light of the one within me.
·                         * Breathing is so important! DEEP, NATURAL BREATHING!

Tweet about Bright Light, Facebook about Bright Light, Love Bright Light and LOVE YOUR BRIGHT LIGHT!

I love you. Can you feel, let’s fill ourselves up with the love for each other and the love for this community and know that the only way we can experience that is through the love for ourselves!


To listen to the entire show please visit

Tune in Next week on the 7th Wave network at on Thursday May 12th at 8:00 A.M. PDT.

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