Bright Light with Dee Wallace ~ Show Recap ~I am the Creation of the Creation ~ Monday, May 16, 2011
Well, hello all you amazing, fabulous, incredible, magnificent and VERY sexy people! OMG! Am I glad to be back with all of you! I’m going through withdrawal; I don’t like not being here and not being with all of you! I just wrapped the wonderful film with Doris Roberts and Robert Loggia and I just flew into Atlanta! I’ve been here for about 2 hours and this is the first time I’m doing this with my travel computer and my cell phone! I’m so proud of myself for being able to do this! This is a huge Woohoo! for me!
Tonight is, I am the Creation of Creation. We are continuing the expansive and deeper understanding of what we’ve been talking about. This was all coming up around “Bright Light” my new book, as you know there have been some challenges around bringing this out. People I’ve hired that have not come through missed opportunities, etc. Basically I was trying to micro-manage this from the old energy; thinking I have to do this and I have to do this. When I sat down to do the work around “Bright Light” the voice said, “You’re not asking for what you want.” I said, well, I’ve hired people to do all of this and I’m doing all the work and they said, “Yes, But YOU haven’t asked for exactly what you want.” I thought, no I have asked for what I want, so I tested it and got a HUGE no. Then the voice said, “What is it, EXACTLY, that you want?” I could feel the resistance going on in me as I started to come forward and claim what I wanted for “Bright Light”. I want “Bright Light” on the New York Times Bestseller List, I want it to reach that many people, to affect that many people, I want it to have to weight and the credence that the politicians and the spiritual leaders of our time have, and that the policy makers in our world pick up the book and allow them to experience whatever energetic shift will take them into owning their power and their light. I had not asked for any of that. I was afraid that if I stated that and it doesn’t happen, then I’m not the creator that I think I am.
There is nothing to lose by claiming what you want; you will only gain from that experience. Basically, if we are the creation of all creation, we are allowing every single, solitary piece of information, of unlimited thought, to be made known to us consciously. There is a lot of new information out there that we must allow ourselves to receive, we can not get there from the “old ways” of dealing with things, with the old thoughts that created the old ways.
Overwhelm is up with a lot of us right now. We’re overwhelmed by everything that’s going on in the world, by financial challenges, by the chase to make money, by our fear, even though we know it’s not a truthfulness. It’s seeping in whether we are consciously aware of it or not. It’s cellular. We’ve been taught this since the beginning of time. I urge you to have as much fun as you can, stay balanced, keep your heart open and love yourself. It is vitally important that you love yourself and have fun right now!
You all know I’m traveling to about 6 cities, doing 6 different projects in the month of May and I find myself going back to my old patterns. I think I should feel overwhelm, but I don’t. Everything has gone absolutely smoothly. Because I’m doing so much my mind keeps saying that I should be overwhelmed because I’m simply so busy. We expect this pattern of things going well and then ending up in the toilet to keep happening. You have the choice to re-create this or not. You must consciously choose what you want to create, because you are the creation of it.
We have not simply said this is what I’m creating. This is it, I am the creation of my book reaching the masses, not the people I hire, they are instruments that come forward for me to create. But if I don’t know that it starts with me, I will create people that don’t come forward for me, so I can GET that it’s all about me.
The message to us all right now is, QUIT QUESTIONING.
There is one more thing I want to share with you before we take calls. There’s this feeling in the middle of my chest. It’s a feeling of pure panic and fear. The closest I can get to a description of it is, that I’m in this panic that I’m going to get in trouble. I can trace that back to an experience I had with a girlfriend in the 4th grade where we were pretending to go on a date. Her mother came in and caught us and she told me that she was going to call my mother and tell her the bad things that I had been doing. Well, my mother never actually said anything to me about it because she knew that we were just being kids. Now that I do this work, I know that this fear comes from a past life. We’re afraid of getting trouble because we will die energetically. We’re in fear of knowing that we are alien energy. When we expanded that further we discovered that alien energy meant “all unlimited thought”, which is Bright Light. We’re in fear of all the unlimited thought that we could access that will truly let us experience, claim and acknowledge the power that we are.
· You are the God you’ve been waiting for. You are the God you are praying for and you are the God you have to surrender to. There is ONE ENERGY. We are the Angels, we are the God Energy, we are the guides, and we are our higher self. If you are going to surrender, you must surrender to your highest knowing.
· You can’t allow a new thought in until you surrender the old limiting one. You can’t allow yourself to be powerful until you surrender the victim.
· In order to have the unlimited thoughts of magnificence, joy, bliss, peace, abundance, health and wellness, we must surrender our limiting thoughts that life must be hard.
· I am a powerful creator of health and wellness in my body, mind and spirit, I deserve it and so it is.
· Nobody else can create YOU, believing that something is possible.
· I embrace, celebrate and am powerful around ALL parts of me that are in power. And so it is.
· There’s not a wrong choice, unless you create it being a wrong choice. You are the creation of whether or not anything is right or wrong. You must move into your own power of “this is who I authentically am and I’m not going to be guilty or dis-acknowledge any of it.”
· If you don’t like someone or have trouble connecting with their energy, even if its your mother, if you’re able to accept it and just know that this is authentically who you are, you will be able to be joyful.
· You can’t be joyful if you’re in judgment of the way you feel about anyone or anything.
· Creation is about; I’m going to choose to authentically be in my power, say what I want and know that it’s delivered to me. I don’t need to know how it’s going to happen, I just hold the clear intention and focus of what I want.
· If a runner wants to win a race they see past the finish line. When I was manifesting a certain amount of money I aimed past the finish line and wrote a larger amount than I had first focused on. I posted that amount on post its around my house and every time I walk by one I say, “It’s possible, I deserve it! Work it out Universe!”
· When a limiting thought like, when it gets close it goes away, comes in, invite it in, sit and chat with it like a friend and say, “You know what, I am choosing to be the creation of you as a new thought. That everything that hovers there is delivered to me. That it’s completed, that all the perfect opportunities come to me and they match harmony, joy, love and a great paycheck. From now on thought, you’re going to be that friend!”
· Do you understand that this process is a way of life, of living, thinking and being that we are creating on this show? You all have to hold on to what it is that you want to create. You have to hold on to the focus and the unlimited thinking in all of that! What you create a month from now comes from the energy that you are in, in this very moment.
· I am healed.
· In order for me to be my Bright Light, I, or my world has to fall apart. --- This is an old belief. Simply focus on what you want.
We claim the joy and celebration of the acceptance by all energy, including our own magnificence and power of the creation that we are. I am the creation of the creation and so it is.
I love being here with you guys. I love it. I want to hear from all of you, how you’re doing and how things are shifting for you. We are working on creating a community board on so look out for that coming soon!
To check out this episode in its entirety visit
Tune in for the next Live Show! Monday May 23, 2011 @ 5:00 Pacific time at
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