Hello all you wonderful, amazing, incredible, fabulous, magnificent, shiny, bright and shiny, sexy, sexy people! I was shining on this show! I was full of joy in my heart! This show is all about trust!
The new understanding of karma is literally, you think a limiting thought, and then you can instantly get out of the karma of that by thinking a new, expansive thought. Balance with the new statement (I am the energy of the whole, the whole is the creation of who I am, I am divine love) and claim that around the karma of saving and the karma of creation.
Before we talk about trust I need to talk about this saving stuff, because it is up with a vengeance. This is THE biggest block around the creation of all of our world and us right now. This belief that we have to be saved, we have to save somebody else, the world has to be saved, and the only way to save ourselves is to save somebody else, these are only some of them. Claim the new statement, invoke the violet flame and balance everything surrounding this saving nonsense!
We have a NEW SHEET! The only thing on the new 5th sheet so far is:
The highest understanding we have of this so far is that this is how to balance the karma of creation. It has been a very long time since we had new sheets introduced, so raise a glass and celebrate!
The frequency of 257 is unlimited knowing. Claim the frequency of 257 or I am unlimited knowing. This is what we want to direct the light of us to be, unlimited knowing!
Regarding Osama Bin Laden, check out the blog post I wrote, but lets all know and have the new thought that the world we are creating, because we are creating us that way, is peace and bliss and unconditional love for our fellow, human man. That doesn’t mean, only the ones that I pick, that means this is my intention to hold for this world and this world is me, because what I create me as, I take back into the world.
Let’s talk about trust for a minute. The easiest way to define trust is “relying on”, when we trust something, we rely on it. We trust our mate, we rely on them and their integrity and the truthfulness. When I asked what the greatest thing I could speak to you around trust was they said, “Staying in my knowing that I AM is enough.” I AM is the same thing as your light. My light is enough. The light of me is enough. We cannot do this if we are holding the belief that we still have to be saved. We cannot move into unconditional trust if we think we still have to be saved from something we can’t trust. Take a moment and see where you are falling out of trust in your life, and see how the universe is not showing up for you.
NUGGETS of LIGHT from the SHOW!!!
· Sometimes you have to step forward to say who you don’t want to be in order to claim the right to be who you are.
· Regarding Bin Laden; if you have a candle in a dark room, you’re very aware of the one candle, but if the whole room is bright candles, you’re not really aware of that one candle, because it’s all bright. So we have a lot more brightness and a lot more light permeating our world. That is what we want to focus on and THAT is who we are and why our light is so bloody important right now.
· I am the balance of the bright light of my new vibrational shift.
· The rest of 2011 is going to be up, down, up, down, up, down and we must be the constant.
· I know I’m the light and my light is joy, bliss and happiness, that is the direction of my light that I choose. My intention is to stay in the balance of that!
· The root word for confidence is confide, which is Latin, which means trust, to have trust or reliance.
· Embarrassment is one of the most destructive and earliest experiences that we are taught and it can weaken you for the rest of your life. Balance everything around embarrassment; claiming the new statement and the new sheet, around AUTHENTICITY. I Am the authentic light that I am and I’m freakin’ proud of it!
· We have to know that part of trusting, knowing and loving ourselves is that part of that is the creation of our trust in all other energy also. Come on in, respond to me, play with me, rec-give, it has to be a constant circle. We are directing the light of us to know and claim these things, directing and claiming the new statement and the new sheet.
· Claiming the duality within energy and the duality within the light. When they are balanced, they are one. Which equals light energy.
· Everything starts as light; you start as a bright light. Energy can either focus that light in a weak way or a strong way. We will get a higher understanding of this.
· You can be in your light and not energetically trust others.
· You want joy and partnership, equal in everyway, you come together to support one another, not to manipulate, need, save, or need to be saved. To support each other in the joyfulness of the individuality that you both are.
· I recommend either chapter 7 or 8 in the first Conversations With God; it is the best chapter on relationships that I have ever found.
· When raising conscious children remember that God is love and God is light, but it is man’s perception and teaching about God that has us all messed up about it. But at the same time, the grandeur and the magnificence of the creative force you absolutely want to teach to your children, whether you call it the creative force or you call it God.
· Let me be the GLENDA to your DOROTHY!
· Absolutely everything that has happened to us; was designed by us so that we could practice our understanding of the “isness”.
· Focus the light AND the energy of who you are into the acceptance, the experience, the being-ness, the magnificence and the worth of the I AM and the Light that you are.
· Consciously direct the light of who we are toward only what we want; unconditional love, the grace of power, bliss, perfect wellness, money, freedom, joy, you name it!
· I AM the highest answer and I AM healed, I want everything to be balanced. I AM.
· We want to resonate with the light of peace and love, acceptance and harmony with the world; and on this plane, sometimes we are called to do things that do not resonate with our light in order to keep our light.
I love you. Let’s take a moment, join our meridians, find out light, open our heart centers and say WOOHOO!!!! We are ONE, BIG, FLIPPIN’, BEAUTIFUL BRIGHT LIGHT. Love yourself, Love yourself, Love yourself as much as I love you all! Good night~
To hear the entire show follow this link http://awakeningzone.com/Episode.aspx?EpisodeID=255
Or Tune in Next week on Monday May 9, 2011 @ 5:00 PDT! At www.awakeningzone.com
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