Good Morning all you amazing, fabulous, incredible, magnificent, very, very, very sexy people! OMG! What a month it’s been! It’s good to be back! I have a lot of information for you, so let’s jump right in. Let’s start by opening our heart centers, opening our minds and sharing the love today. It’s a strange topic to get from me huh?! Dis-ease. I was working on allergies and a lot of information started to come in about disease in general.
All disease is based on Inner Struggle. We are locked in the struggle because of the belief, I will never be God and therefore I never will be complete. If I’m never complete and I’m not God, I can’t create what I want and I’ve never created what I want. Therefore, I’m locked in the belief that there’s something wrong with me, somewhere that I still need to get to. So, I’m asking you to open your minds to the new, unlimited thought that we KNOW we are whole, complete and perfect. Now we just have to experience the greatness, the magnificence and the light energy that we are. Come forward and claim the light statement around all of that for all genetics, all generations, all ancestry and all lineages. Any and all strands or bindings or any way that we are connected to ANY energy that is dependent upon us or we are dependent on for the definition of who we are; we are choosing to come forward and release that now. I am the creation of me, the definition of me and I cam creating me as someone that knows. I am done.
Around all disease and keeping the struggle alive, claim, I am the highest answer. I am the creation of all creation. I am the allowing and the acceptance of being born anew. I am the light energy of all of this.
It came to our belief that all of the collective was holding, “that not to be God, keeps us safe.” I’m telling you, being the creative force that you are, in the brilliance of your power is the only thing that will allow you to live in the experience that you are secure in this world, because you will know that you are the creation of you. Around knowing that I Am God creates my security because it creates my creation we are claiming the light statement around that. I am the freedom of the creation of me. I am the freedom of the creation of me.
A lot is coming back in again around the balance of the masculine, feminine and child. It’s coming up big time, so lets just come forward, claiming the light energy statement. which means I am the light energy that creates the balance in every area of my life, past, present, future, any dimension, all dimensions that I exist on. I am the light energy of the creation of the balance of masculine, feminine and child. I am complete.
This is the formula for new creation:
1. Be joyful and take your joy into the world.
2. Be authentic.
When I asked what the definition of “authentic” is, they gave me “How deep is my love? For others, me, the world, God, the creative force, the whole.” That is your authentic self.
That’s a pretty easy formula to get, as long as you walk away from all the old rules and regulations about manipulating people with fear and the push to have to buy things. I am there. I am complete.
Another big discovery that came in was that genetics can skip a generation. I knew that this was possible in the passing down of genetics like eye color and hair color, but had not connected this with energetic stuff. So, your grandparents could have had a genetic belief or fear that could have skipped your parents and been passed on to you. Which is why we always balance for the genetics all the way back to the beginning of time. Basically, the only genetics that we want to ignite within our energy are the genetics of the family of God, of the divine, of all creation and of unlimited thought..
Big stuff has been coming up about trust so I was told before I took any calls to ask everyone to claim, “I am trust NOW.”
· Sometimes it’s the simplest thing, like a little birth in Bethlehem that Affects the world and affects the most change in people.
· In this moment and all moments we are radiating the joy of trust out into the world. In that way the world and the trust that matches with what you want can find you, match up with you and bring you what you want.
· In the creation of taking my work out into the world, you must hold the vibration of freedom, love and abundance in order to attract the perfect place, clients and money!
· It’s difficult to be in JOY and not bring love, happiness and peace into your world.
· I am reborn, in this body, in this moment, I’m taking my joy out there and sharing it with the world, knowing that I’m going to be received and honored for it!
· When you truly, truly love YOU, your healing will expand exponentially for others.
· You create certain scenarios in your life in order to release certain beliefs that you are holding.
· You cannot get the clarity out of the situation, from the channel if you go into reaction and don’t breathe.
· When you can let go of the restraints, fears and the teachings of “time” then you will be free and the money will be able to be delivered at ANY time.
· Give yourself permission to shine bigger, I give you permission, I love you the most when you allow your light to shine as big and as brightly as it can!
· Take a big deep breath, to the count of three or four say the mantra that will keep you in your knowing, like “I AM my Bright Light. I AM THE bright light.” Go into your heart center and FEEL it as you breath in and out with the mantra for 10 to 20 minutes a day. Do this and get back to me in a month to report how your life has changed!
· Love yourself first, serve yourself first and THEN creation will happen and everything will come in.
· Be the joy that you are and take it out into the world!
I love all of you! I love being here! I love our community! I love this amazing information that come in! Please go to and check out all the amazing places I will be! I will be posting the new creation formula as soon as I can!
Until we meet again my beloved, magnificent people, love yourself, love yourself and love yourself more!!
To check out the show in its entirety click here!
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