Bright Light Show Recap ~~ May 30, 2011
Hello all you amazing, fabulous, incredible, magnificent and very, very sexy people! I am home! I enjoyed my journeys but am so, so happy to be home in Southern California! I hope you all had the chance to see the Good Morning America Interview that I got to do! It was a lovely interview and I think a very good, representative, positive piece about our work, Bright Light and Me! Its posted on my website, I would love it if you would check it out and share it with your friends! Just to show you the power of National Television, the book jumped from 200,000 (which is actually very good out of 6 million books) to 1500 on the Amazon list and is in the top 20 on Kindle! I wanted to share this with you because I want you to get a sense of the good that you can do when you move into your power and reach more people. That’s our intention, to get out there and play in the biggest grace of power that we are.
My experience on Good Morning America brought up a lot of poop to find a pony in. It was difficult to get the interview, which put me into my stuff about not being wanted. We didn’t know when we were going to shoot it, that brought up, I’m not respected stuff. They asked a lot of questions about E.T., which made me wonder am I ever going to be able to move on from that. But, when I finally let that all go and worked through it and consciously kept choosing the higher, divine love, and acceptance, peace and effortlessness, everything was delivered to me. That’s what I mean when I say, if you just stay present in the moment and are really conscious of the stuff that’s going on within you, you get enormous gifts of the stuff that you need to let go of. I learned a lot about being authentic. I sat in that chair and said, “ You know Dee, All you have to do is be your authentic, truthful light and speak from you heart.” That’s all I did and I think people got it.
I can bring you one thing that was brought in about authenticity that we need to balance. So if you’re joining us in the past, present, future or anytime, in any dimension, please do this work with me. We were taken to genetic health, to the belief, “I don’t think I have enough energy to do this (be authentic)” I asked why? The answer was “Because I will have to be born and start over, create myself all over again and I don’t think I have enough energy to do that.” What do you think will take more energy? Creating yourself anew in joy, freedom, expansion, abundance and love or to continually try to dig yourself out of where you are? I’m thinking the second one. So, let’s claim the light statement around all of that.
We’ve also been asked to release repeating patterns. Last week I think I talked about, we don’t really want to go back and repeat what we’ve been doing, but it’s a pattern and habit of reacting instead of creating. We’re all coming forward to claim the light energy statement around the release of patterned beliefs. Pretty huge.
We are being asked to move away from all of the rules and regulations and limitations of man that have been placed upon us and into the freedom of the creative spirit that we are. They are saying some of those rules and regulations have a light-ness to them, so let’s not make them too heavy and to laugh about them. Know that we are absolutely creating new, unlimited thoughts and freedom from those rules and regulations.
There have been a lot of emails lately about allergies. I sat down to do some of the work around it and found three parts; We’re allergic to all the good that’s coming into us and the thoughts that we have to pay for it, we’re allergic to our good not coming in and the thoughts that we have to pay for it, and we’re allergic to the balance when we create it and the thoughts that we have to pay for it. We’re sort of screwed either way you go, damned if you do and damned if you don’t. We’re claiming the light energy statement around that, clearly knowing that I choose right in this moment of now to create me and the light that I am, exactly as I want it to be; in freedom, joy, bliss, love, unconditional love, abundance, true wellness and energy.
I was supposed to bring in one element of Trust : Trust that once you’ve created it and directed it, you’ve done it. You must trust then that the direction is coming, will come, is manifested and YOU hold the focus. That’s your job. The universe brings it in.
· Ask for what you want, because that is your authentic self!
· I am holding in my consciousness $200,000 a year, I will be happy with $100,00. Both are POSSIBLE and I DESERVE it. This states clearly what you want, allows you to get it and create it, but also takes away the old rules and regulations that we can’t ask for too much!
· You’re job is to the hold the focus and be joyful. Ask for what you want, know that you deserve it, know that its possible, feel the magnificent joy of knowing that its already here and allow the universe to do its job!
· I am the highest answer, I am the light of the world, I am healed, I am the light of the world, and everything is balanced around me being the light of the world. I am.
· My light is trust, freedom, knowing and that everyone rushes forward for me to succeed!
· We are all one energy, so the Guides, Gods, Archangels, Angels, Divine Love, Energetic Force, Unlimited Thought, its all us . . . there is no separation. If we clearly direct that my bright light is the light of the world, all of light is working together and we know that everything is created by lowering light into manifestation of thought.
· I am unlimited thought open to all new thought that is available to me.
· If any information that you get is negative, fearful, harmful, belittling or angry in anyway it is not coming through the channel. Because the channel is only about growth, expansion and love. It only brings forth information to help you release what you need to release or claim what you need to claim.
· I am sure and in the experience of everyone being sure about me. Because I am sure about myself.
· You CANNOT Create NEW by RE-CREATING the OLD. You have to let the OLD go and RE-CREATE.
· When I am my I AM Presence, I don’t show up for myself. We are all Claiming, when I am the brightest, biggest, most authentic, joyful light I can be, I ALWAYS am there for me!
· As you believe, it must be delivered unto you. IF you believe there is something to be protected from, you will have to create that so you can protect yourself from it!
Allow yourself to be as big as your light wants to be so you can reach as many people as you can! We are a community that is empowering people to love themselves! How beautiful is that? Thanks for being a part of it. Take a moment now and breathe, fall into your heart center and feel that connection, joy, love and light in your heart center and let it expand out. Know that you are magnificent creators of LIGHT! Choose Well!
Check out the show in its entirety at
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