Hello all you amazing, incredible, wonderful, fabulous, magnificent and very sexy, sexy people! I can’t stand to do replays if I don’t have to, and I hate to miss being with you all, so I’m coming to you live from a hotel room in New York. The subject tonight is overwhelm, which I can’t relate to that at all having just finished two films, three science fiction conventions, radio shows from about every place in this country, and I’m happy to say that I just taped a Good Morning America segment, so please be sure to check that out! It’s interesting trying to get everything we know and everything we do in four minutes, when all they want to do is talk about E.T. and Drew Barrymore.
The big thing that I can tell you about Overwhelm is that you will continue to live in it, if you are not living in the moment. The key to the rest of this year is adapt, adapt, adapt. We’re coming together right now to claim both statements around overwhelm and around the choice to live in the moment, adapt to the moment and not fall into the pattern of how we have reacted in the past. That’s the big pull for us right now guys. We know better, we know we need to choose, we know we want to choose, we know we should choose, we know that we are actually choosing, and yet that pull to go back to that other place of how we reacted is so strong, we almost find ourselves automatically falling back there. You have to be really conscious right now guys of staying in the moment and allowing whatever the moment brings you, and choose to adapt to that.
I just met with an amazing individual who has created an incredible program to help schools get funded. It’s called, Class Wish. Teachers can go on to this website and create their Wish List for things they need. Do you know that half the public schools don’t have paper to make copies? What the hell? We are 26th in education right now. The channel blew wide open when we were talking about this. The information that came through is that we cannot change the education system or anything around education until we let go of the belief that the struggle and education go together. It’s always been there with education, that we’ve never had enough, but we’ve gotten along anyway. Please come forward and claim the new thought that education is expansive, easy, easily funded, in the forefront of everyone’s concern and we are challenging everyone to create it that way. That’s our claim, our decision, our knowing and our allowing. Ultimately education, as you know, it shapes the world. I’m not talking about just science and math, as much as I’m talking about art. We have more than enough proof that art enhances science and math, yet that’s the first thing that is cut out of our education system. They want us to be clear that it’s not just about education in our schools, but education in our consciousness.
· The collective just doesn’t want to give up the struggle. Claim both the statements as our claim, our direction and our owning around all of this.
· The world won’t know that I’m learning, unless I’m struggling. The world doesn’t know you are learning if you’re struggling either, only you can know that you’re learning without struggling. Embrace and accept the “hallelujah” that there are no more struggles.
· You are creating your struggle with food because you’re not enjoying the food. If you took the time to enjoy it, you would actually lose weight.
· I am always satisfied in the choices that I make.
· If you let other people’s perceptions define your reality, they will come forward to show you the part of you that is holding the exact perception that they are bringing forth.
· We are all being permeated with the collective fear that is going on. A lot of it went away when Bin Laden was killed, but then came back with all of the tornadoes and the end of the world stuff. You have to acknowledge that you’re human and these things go through our minds. If they are going through our minds we know that we must balance those thoughts in order to consciously choose, I know I create my own life. I’m choosing to be the authentic person that I am and know that this is creating the happiness that I want.
· You are the savior of you by the creation of the focus and the clear direction and claim of what you want.
· Write down everything you want. I don’t mean on a small level. You want to be free, abundant, healthy and well. You want to live in creative excitement, to have unconditional love, to have abundance and more than enough. Write down all of those things and say, “I have decided that I AM these things”. Every bit of energy, God, angels, guides, higher selves, come in and bring me these experiences. Then spend some time actually feeling what that would feel like.
· Those of you that are struggling with food out there stop and ask, “Why am I anxious, why am I in fear, why am I trying to push something down right now?” The best thing that you can do is to drink some water to fill yourself up. Choose to fill ourselves up with the knowingness of security, abundance and calm in our lives.
· The only “work” for you to do is to know that you know. If you focus on the fact that you can’t do something you will create over and over not being able to do it!
· The only thing you have to do is to be your passionate, authentic light. If they don’t get it, they don’t get it.
· Your consciousness is your knowledge.
· I authentically trust my authentic light.
· Oftentimes the same issue will come up again and again and again because you are being given more information on a deeper and more expansive way.
· Indigestion is coming up as dead energy that is trapped in our body. In order to release this energy we claim, we want to easily and effortlessly pass this energy outside of our body to free it, to be whole, complete, perfect and free within the air of our physical bodies. We claim both statements around this; this is our clear choice and direction, giving our bodies permission to release this now.
· We want to heal, knowing that we absolutely can and do miraculously create health in our bodies. Whatever we need to be aware of, to let go of, to claim or to accept around that, we are focused on that intention.
· Why are we always a bridesmaid and never a bride? What is it that is holding us off from finally creating what we want, getting very close, but not getting there? Am I going to be a part of the whole or the group? Or am I going to stand out and be a star? If I stand out and allow my light to shine, no one will like me. We must change the thought to, When I stand out with my light, in my authenticity, I love myself.
· Choose to accept ourselves, honor ourselves and love ourselves as the damn, powerful light that we are, knowing that we direct that through divine love.
· If people are responding to you claiming your power, they need to look at why they are having such a reaction to someone asking for what they want. This is their stuff, not yours.
· We are joyfully opening ourselves up to fearlessly choose to be our full Bright Light. When you are your full, powerful light, you will be having the time of your life. We are afraid of the power because we are afraid that we will misuse that power and control. You direct yourself to be your biggest, brightest, fullest, most powerful light, knowing you are directing it through divine live, using it as divine love for the higher good of all.
· Invite fearlessly, that Bright Light to ignite itself in you again knowing that you are whole, complete and perfect. It’s your light, so of course you can handle it. You were meant to experience it all.
I love you. It’s been so beautiful to do this from New York with you! I truly, truly love you guys, I love this community and I love this work. Go love yourself, love yourself, and love yourself. Be the brightest flippin' light you can be out there. Go get 'em guys! You’re worth it, you deserve it and it’s possible.
To listen to the entire show go to http://awakeningzone.com/Episode.aspx?EpisodeID=258
or check out the next live show on Monday evenings at 5:00 Pacific Time at www.awakeningzone.com
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