So,guys! We have been really focused on letting go of all the old stories, definitions and expectations of us and the world. We have chosen to "choose a new thought" about who we are and our place in the world. We have decided to make something entirely new out of the playdough We have rolled it up, made a ball, and now we are ready to create anew.
Out of nothing.
Where all possibilities of ANYthing can be shaped.
Take a moment and drop into the experience of you being..nothing. Or maybe a better way to say it is, the experience of being everything brand new. What does the experience of seeing the world from eyes of total trust, love, and acceptance feel like? How empowering is the experience that you have, are, the moment of choice in the birthing of the new you as pure joy? No stories to deter and excuse you from the grace of the power of creation that you are? Trust freedom to be the creation of you.
That is the blank page of nothingness where the everything is. It can be scary if you are not conscious that you are creating within it. It may feel like panic, because you can't fall back on the very beliefs and definitions that have fueled your journey until now.
Choose to look at it as a brand new piece of paper, and you have a brand new set of crayons and you get to color a brand new picture/creation of you. Be the little child that didn't question the drawing or if he could do it or if he was talented or if anyone liked it. He was in the simple joy of creating that work of art.
We are all a work of art. Let us take that blank page and create joyfully everything we want.
And you know what? We can always get another piece of paper and begin again. That is the beauty of creation. Always a new page to create from.
Happy drawing. Love, Dee
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