
Monday, February 21, 2011


The end of dualities is here, guys. We no longer need sickness to create health, poverty to create abundance, lonliness to creat loving relationships.  As long as we hold on to the need for dualities, we hold ourselves in constant Counter Creation: we keep creating what we want by focusing on what we don't.  "I don't want to be sick" is counter creative to "I create health and wellness." It sabotages our focus on WHAT WE WANT. " I Am the singular direction of Love."

When I teach workshops, often I have to ask several times what someone wants before they can express it only in the positive. That is like a director telling me "I don't want you to be emotional in a scene, but I need you to cry." That's a  Counter direction that keeps me stuck because I can't figure out how to serve both directions.  Well, the Universe is confused when you give it duality in your direction either from your words, thoughts or feelings.

Knowing what you don't want ( I don't want to have to worry about money) is valuable, because then you know what you DO want ( I want peace about money) and then you can get to the ultimate claim ( I Am money). Remember, when you say " I Am......." it is an instant IM to the Universe to create that.

So have the courage and joy to claim what you want: I Am freedom/health and wellness//blessed relationships/ harmony /joy and peace.  Create YOU as the frequency of those attributes of Divine Love, and that creation is taken in to every subject: money/business/partnerships/healthetc.. BE the thing you want first. BE in harmony with your desires.CHOOSE to stay in joy and acceptance. All is manifested from there. Blessings, Dee

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