Hello all you amazing, fabulous, wonderful, magnificent creators and very sexy people! Monday’s show was a rough one, because I was in the toilet. I am not letting my light shine and I am in the drama. Me and everyone else that I know are on the ride, in the hamster wheel, going in and out of Groundhog Day. “I’m my light, I’m not my light. I’m there; I’m not there. I’ve got it managed, I can’t manage anything!” Sound familiar?
My healing partner and I spent a lot of time this morning discussing how we use stuff outside of ourselves to allow our lights to shine, and then crap comes in and we shut our light down. Sound familiar to anyone? The closer you get to holding yourself with that bright light shining, the more we are tested to see if we can hold that bright light.
I had a wonderful Easter weekend, a lot of beautiful people came forward for me and I taught an amazing acting class Monday morning. I went home to discover that the accident my beautiful daughter was in had been ruled her fault. I immediately went into the toilet, about this isn’t fair, fell into all of the excuses and back into my old victim mentality and had a nice cry with Michael who reminded me to breathe. I decided in that moment to focus on this show, that I would get to spend time with all of you, my favorite people in a short while. THEN, the phone rang and I found out that this big film that I was booked to do had just fallen through. BACK down into the toilet Dee goes. It’s gone. They can’t work out the money, blah, blah blah. I went into reaction again and then I just decided, no, I don’t want to do this. I called the director and we were able to renegotiate so that great role is back on the table now.
This is what we’re talking about, can we consistently NOT go into the toilet but say, “Okay, this is not good, this is not what I want to happen. “ I’m going to to sit here, stay balanced and find where I can take my light to create the best out of this. Or where can I just let my light be shining while I wait to see how this all plays out.
I wasn’t sure if I was even going to be able to do this show, and then I realized that I always felt like I had to be up and a cheerleader, and today, I just wasn’t in that space. The voice said to me, take that out into the show Dee, there are a lot of people out there who need to hear that everybody is going through it. Every time I bring myself back and crawl out of the toilet I always feel okay. So I choose to do that. But, can I do it without having the emotional reaction of the victim first?
Tokens of BRIGHT LIGHT from the show!
· When we truly love ourselves, completely, thoroughly and in the highest way, we will not go back in the toilet and have to pull ourselves out again.
· I am the light of the light, I am consistently the light, and I choose to be the light. So it is.
· Remember that this is a muscle, we’re exercising our muscle everyday, let’s love ourselves A LOT while we’re exercising our muscle, learning to just be love and light.
· The original definition of the Devil, was anything that got in the way of the light.
· The very thing that is keeping us from being success and being our light are the things we fear that get in the way of the light.
· I am the highest answer, I am healed, I want everything to be balanced, I AM.
· Give yourself an energetic hug and remember that we all have eons and eons of genetics, lineage and ancestry where we have been thinking the same thoughts and living the same lives over and over again. Now, we are asking ourselves to exponentially thrust ourselves into new thought, new ways of creating, new love for ourselves, and new acceptance for ourselves.
· You must create yourself as action, before you can take that action into creation. I AM ACTION, I AM THE LIGHT THAT CREATES ACTION IN MY LIFE, I AM THE LIGHT THAT CREATES THE CHOICE OF ACTION.
· Are you going to re-father yourself with a new thought that is not very practical, but for the creation of your life, in these days, you must create your life or you will die energetically.
· Send your light to the limbic systems, to the meridians that we are, clearly directing all of our limitations and fears around being the god and the god light that we are, the creative force that we are, we’re claiming the new statement around them. My I AM presence is the only force at work here and I am free in body, mind, soul and consciousness of all of these fears and limitations of being the light and being God.
· In order for me to be loved, I have to give up the love of myself. I have to cater to those I love, enable them, agree with them or I might not be loved. So the way I love myself is by giving myself up so I can feel that other people love me.
· When you are the authentic light that you are, in your grace of power and you go, I love you all, but I’m just not doing this anymore. I love you and there’s no judgment here, I’m just not participating in the drama anymore. They will shift. They will shift because you shifted.
· We’re so afraid to be the light, that it keeps us from being the light, so we aren’t our light.
· We’re doing what we want to DO, but we’re not being what we want to BE. We want to be the core light that everything else shines and emanates from. The only reason that we do anything is to proclaim, shine and enlarge our light.
· So many of us go out there and do and do and do and we want to succeed at this, and we do, but its from the intention of “I’m not worthy, so I’m going to prove that I am”. That is NOT your authentic light, but it’s DOING what you want.
· Self-Sabotage is knowing what you need to shift and choosing not to shift it.
· If two energies can’t come together in Harmony, unless there is a lesson to learn, it is the stronger choice to choose to end the relationship.
· We are invoking the new statement around all genetic, meridian systems that effect the limbic and every other healing modality, spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally.
· Genetically, I am freedom, joy, bliss, unconditional love and the light of my OWN creation. WOOHOO!
· Invoke the VIOLET FLAME so we have a blank page from which to create on from this moment forward.
· Claim the duality statement around saving and being saved. I am the balance of the frequency of masculine, feminine and child in the radiation of my light within the electromagnetic whole of the whole, also known as the brain. I invoke the rays, flames and lights. I am whole. I am God. I am the Light. So it is.
· I am simply the creation of my own light.
· Direct money and spirituality to live together harmoniously and in integrity. It’s your choice.
· Choose to think new thoughts and write a new history for you. We are complete. We just have to keep practicing so we don’t have to think about it anymore. Then the NORM becomes, everything is easy, effortless and always shows up for me.
· In the moment, your reaction is the creation of the new thought, the new light and the new you!
Look at the amazing show that we created! When we just have the guts and the love to be the authentic self that we are! I love you guys! I love you! I love you! I know you love me! I can feel it!
Love yourself, love yourself, love yourself guys! Til we meet again!
Catch the full show at http://awakeningzone.com/Episode.aspx?EpisodeID=213
And the next show, Monday May 2, 2011 at 5:00 PM Pacific Time at www.awakeningzone.com